Secondary: ********** d = 21,5 mm h = 40 mm (50 mm form, ratio 1,86:1) N = 286 wired = 0,125 mm (0,14 mm with insulation) wirel = 19 m RDC = 30 ohm RAC = 41 ohm Topload (copper toroid): ************************ din = 16,6 mm dout = 27,4 mm dpipe = 5,4 mm Ct = 1,15 pF computed f0: 5,66 MHz; 3,92 MHz with topload computed L: 0,749 mH computed C: 1,056 pF computed XL: 26637 ohm estimated Q0: 26 measured f0: 4,72 MHz with topload measured RDC: 27 ohm measured Q0: 94 (according to f-char Q=f0/B3) Primary (solenoid): ******************* d = 36 mm h = 16 mm N = 4,8 wired = 2,2 mm RDC = 2,2 mohm RAC = 31,0 mohm computed L: 0,913 uH (gives C=1,245 with topload / 390pF for IRFP460 class E) computed Q: 416 computed coupling k: 0,38 Class-E SSTC test: ****************** Cres = 270 pF / 400 V, Cc = 150 nF / 1000 V, L = 120 uH