Flash partition table (15 entries): partition: ___ (type:3) at 000003c0, size:40 partition: FOVD(type:3) at 00000400, size:c00 partition: MDES(type:3) at 00001000, size:1000 partition: FCRS(type:3) at 00002000, size:1000 partition: EFFS(type:4) at 00003000, size:48000 partition: NVCL(type:2) at ffffffff, size:10511 partition: NVCP(type:2) at ffffffff, size:a553 partition: NVJC(type:2) at ffffffff, size:4000 partition: NVKR(type:2) at ffffffff, size:1257d partition: NVSH(type:2) at ffffffff, size:7609 partition: NVTD(type:2) at ffffffff, size:1eac partition: GLUT(type:3) at 0004b000, size:2000 partition: MDMV(type:0) at 0004d000, size:46000 partition: FTPR(type:0) at 00093000, size:75000 partition: NFTP(type:0) at 00108000, size:75000 Code partition: MDMV(2 modules, v8.1.70.1590) 0 Pavp lzma at: 3f4 va:20040000+2b000 1 JOM lzma at: 16469 va:200a5000+3b000 Code partition: FTPR(12 modules, v8.1.70.1590) 0 UPDATE lzma at: 4c6f0 va:2003c000+3000 1 ROMP huffman at: 8c0 va:200e1000+2000 2 BUP huffman at: 8c0 va:200e4000+13000 3 KERNEL huffman at: 8c0 va:200fb000+2e000 4 POLICY huffman at: 8c0 va:20134000+1e000 5 HOSTCOMM lzma at: 4c8ae va:20211000+d000 6 RSA lzma at: 5362f va:201cd000+d000 7 CLS lzma at: 58924 va:2022a000+c000 8 TDT lzma at: 5e0bd va:20241000+f000 9 FTCS huffman at: 8c0 va:20154000+8000 10 ClsPriv lzma at: 647a1 va:201db000+3000 11 SESSMGR lzma at: 64b81 va:201df000+2c000 Code partition: NFTP(6 modules, v8.1.70.1590) 0 MPC lzma at: 4df73 va:20258000+4000 1 utilities huffman at: 5c0 va:2015d000+7000 2 NET_STACK huffman at: 5c0 va:20165000+56000 3 ICC lzma at: 4f203 va:2025d000+6000 4 BOP huffman at: 5c0 va:201c4000+7000 5 NFC lzma at: 5117c va:20265000+9000 Pavp 44912bf8060ddabc0e821f97d9d9397f61da28b104979d79851747b016ea081c lzma JOM e84fe5bf8df05af452311c89b24e5d42f17566585d8e18d40378148c72aa04e8 lzma UPDATE 5edd1876999f8ca7f9e0068fe00d4948b9368e58f42419ee9beb03d124618639 lzma ROMP 558f0959228604007aa26bd045bcee75028d154299b52ab45f2c6478ace9a9b9 [MATCH] BUP 5231f2d0d5f2b39d38582111b32ddc65d5a98012e225df0c787b3809b91552da [MATCH] KERNEL 1ef5b05f0549f3bd932e34da85b6825f6f017f7301c604708ac4ca9c2ac80f9f [MATCH] POLICY 093eb009e5d1706864055aa9688e3235ff913ee344038c41fe124aeba11f7429 [MATCH] HOSTCOMM aa4512221438359f8fcc5b45bc585b55a351bc11496529773c29ed457eba2164 lzma RSA 4d0b7dae8d2edb22f73b98591c267a73810eecd937a2976b75a73ea07f586766 lzma CLS 2231696d13afbe86dc61969cac25b8a893dc11b2d47aa3754da8dfecc278a2a5 lzma TDT 7f8210e3f767fbc52f99a8864eea6f74a6360e86278b6d0966cd637c2541828c lzma FTCS 8c06f976c5bb103329d0d4fed35609e04b63dec121d3765fe0a4d19a280bb199 [MATCH] ClsPriv 670a1afd3d0d1c2493e533e72e1410225a2a6a78a9a81279427f2040661e1bac lzma SESSMGR 844c2db8164670d40a10f2d8c7bd2d7738b5b2e017fff2c6d3977bb165889bc5 lzma MPC 1f779527d1f5a0052b3444d442cdf576e608e38690164043be9a46e82a546394 lzma utilities 80686a56557607dbc6963c98eb78cd8389a3901d2e880556095714c0b6f34f34 [MATCH] NET_STACK 735c69e03660d10f75ebac492c1e56ba1bcd862bd35e84e4027454716827c7ef [MATCH] ICC 68411ca29604323658fe04146920ccf8614bc93ba156e24de9445e21c4f223f4 lzma BOP 87017b6ba0dd0137b2c21270c562adf30491ca726b15900276243c7451220ddd [MATCH] NFC 6eabe936cce86f069a1979778046c96c891b3d48124eef54912b22cfe3f46f40 lzma ============================================================================== Intel ME dumper/extractor v0.3 ===ME Flash Partition Table=== NumEntries: 15 Version: 2.0 EntryType: 10 HeaderLen: 30 Checksum: 63 FlashCycleLifetime: 7 FlashCycleLimit: 100 UMASize: 16 Flags: FFFFFC01 EFFS present: 1 ME Layout Type: 0 Extra ver: ROM Bypass instruction: 20 20 80 0F 40 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ---Partitions--- Partition: '\xe0\x15' Owner: 'KRID' Offset/size: 000003C0/00000040 TokensOnStart: 00000001 MaxTokens: 00000001 ScratchSectors: 00000000 Flags: 0783 Type: 3 (Generic) DirectAccess: 1 Read: 1 Write: 1 Execute: 1 Logical: 0 WOPDisable: 0 ExclBlockUse: 0 Partition: 'FOVD' Owner: 'KRID' Offset/size: 00000400/00000C00 TokensOnStart: 00000001 MaxTokens: 00000001 ScratchSectors: 00000000 Flags: 0783 Type: 3 (Generic) DirectAccess: 1 Read: 1 Write: 1 Execute: 1 Logical: 0 WOPDisable: 0 ExclBlockUse: 0 Partition: 'MDES' Owner: 'MDID' Offset/size: 00001000/00001000 TokensOnStart: 00000001 MaxTokens: 00000001 ScratchSectors: 00000000 Flags: 2383 Type: 3 (Generic) DirectAccess: 1 Read: 1 Write: 1 Execute: 0 Logical: 0 WOPDisable: 0 ExclBlockUse: 1 Partition: 'FCRS' Owner: 'OSID' Offset/size: 00002000/00001000 TokensOnStart: 00000001 MaxTokens: 00000001 ScratchSectors: 00000000 Flags: 2383 Type: 3 (Generic) DirectAccess: 1 Read: 1 Write: 1 Execute: 0 Logical: 0 WOPDisable: 0 ExclBlockUse: 1 Partition: 'EFFS' Owner: 'OSID' Offset/size: 00003000/00048000 TokensOnStart: 00000B40 MaxTokens: 00002760 ScratchSectors: 00000000 Flags: 2704 Type: 4 (Effs) DirectAccess: 0 Read: 1 Write: 1 Execute: 1 Logical: 0 WOPDisable: 0 ExclBlockUse: 1 Partition: 'NVCL' Owner: (none) Offset/size: FFFFFFFF/00010511 TokensOnStart: FFFFFFFF MaxTokens: FFFFFFFF ScratchSectors: FFFFFFFF Flags: 0002 Type: 2 (Nvram) DirectAccess: 0 Read: 0 Write: 0 Execute: 0 Logical: 0 WOPDisable: 0 ExclBlockUse: 0 Partition: 'NVCP' Owner: (none) Offset/size: FFFFFFFF/0000A553 TokensOnStart: FFFFFFFF MaxTokens: FFFFFFFF ScratchSectors: FFFFFFFF Flags: 0002 Type: 2 (Nvram) DirectAccess: 0 Read: 0 Write: 0 Execute: 0 Logical: 0 WOPDisable: 0 ExclBlockUse: 0 Partition: 'NVJC' Owner: (none) Offset/size: FFFFFFFF/00004000 TokensOnStart: FFFFFFFF MaxTokens: FFFFFFFF ScratchSectors: FFFFFFFF Flags: 0002 Type: 2 (Nvram) DirectAccess: 0 Read: 0 Write: 0 Execute: 0 Logical: 0 WOPDisable: 0 ExclBlockUse: 0 Partition: 'NVKR' Owner: (none) Offset/size: FFFFFFFF/0001257D TokensOnStart: FFFFFFFF MaxTokens: FFFFFFFF ScratchSectors: FFFFFFFF Flags: 0002 Type: 2 (Nvram) DirectAccess: 0 Read: 0 Write: 0 Execute: 0 Logical: 0 WOPDisable: 0 ExclBlockUse: 0 Partition: 'NVSH' Owner: (none) Offset/size: FFFFFFFF/00007609 TokensOnStart: FFFFFFFF MaxTokens: FFFFFFFF ScratchSectors: FFFFFFFF Flags: 0002 Type: 2 (Nvram) DirectAccess: 0 Read: 0 Write: 0 Execute: 0 Logical: 0 WOPDisable: 0 ExclBlockUse: 0 Partition: 'NVTD' Owner: (none) Offset/size: FFFFFFFF/00001EAC TokensOnStart: FFFFFFFF MaxTokens: FFFFFFFF ScratchSectors: FFFFFFFF Flags: 0002 Type: 2 (Nvram) DirectAccess: 0 Read: 0 Write: 0 Execute: 0 Logical: 0 WOPDisable: 0 ExclBlockUse: 0 Partition: 'GLUT' Owner: (none) Offset/size: 0004B000/00002000 TokensOnStart: 00000001 MaxTokens: 00000001 ScratchSectors: 00000000 Flags: 2783 Type: 3 (Generic) DirectAccess: 1 Read: 1 Write: 1 Execute: 1 Logical: 0 WOPDisable: 0 ExclBlockUse: 1 Partition: 'MDMV' Owner: (none) Offset/size: 0004D000/00046000 TokensOnStart: 00000001 MaxTokens: 00000001 ScratchSectors: 00000000 Flags: 2780 Type: 0 (Code) DirectAccess: 1 Read: 1 Write: 1 Execute: 1 Logical: 0 WOPDisable: 0 ExclBlockUse: 1 Partition: 'FTPR' Owner: (none) Offset/size: 00093000/00075000 TokensOnStart: 00000001 MaxTokens: 00000001 ScratchSectors: 00000000 Flags: 2780 Type: 0 (Code) DirectAccess: 1 Read: 1 Write: 1 Execute: 1 Logical: 0 WOPDisable: 0 ExclBlockUse: 1 Partition: 'NFTP' Owner: (none) Offset/size: 00108000/00075000 TokensOnStart: 00000001 MaxTokens: 00000001 ScratchSectors: 00000000 Flags: 2780 Type: 0 (Code) DirectAccess: 1 Read: 1 Write: 1 Execute: 1 Logical: 0 WOPDisable: 0 ExclBlockUse: 1 ------End------- LUT header at 0004B000: Signature: '\x00LUT' Chunk count 944 Unpacked base 0x100E0000 (VA=0x200E0000) LUT base: 0x0004A240 Huffman data length: 0x00000000 Huffman data start: 0x0004BF00 Flags: 0x00000001 Reserved1: [0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L] Page size: 0x00000400 Tool version: 7.0 Chipset/revision: CPT/A0 Tag: $MCP, data length: 00000011 (0x00000044 bytes) MCP: 00045C0C 000003F4 0004D000 E985495B 6F6F7E2B 5A4A0B2D BFC0074B CE81D4E4 3A2E9211 97A96D68 1746800D 00010000 0000001A 00100000 00001234 mods 0004D3F4 FTPR huffman stream: 000010C0-0004C6F0 (000940C0-000DF6F0) LUT header at 000938C0: Signature: 'LLUT' Chunk count 496 Unpacked base 0x100E0000 (VA=0x200E0000) LUT base: 0x00092B00 Huffman data length: 0x0004B630 Huffman data start: 0x000940C0 Flags: 0x00000001 Reserved1: [0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L] Page size: 0x00000400 Tool version: 7.0 Chipset/revision: CPT/A0 Tag: $MCP, data length: 00000011 (0x00000044 bytes) MCP: 00074748 000008B8 00093000 05B9DCBC 077734AF E2272DD3 9117F490 064FCF4F 0D0B002F 722A053E F44ABD0A 00010000 00000008 00000001 00000001 Tag: $SKU, data length: 00000004 (0x00000010 bytes) SKU: C1111CE0 00002203 Tag: $MMX, data length: 00000014 (0x00000050 bytes) MMX: 00000010 200E1000 00000000 00053000 00099000 00044000 0005E000 00000000 00000000 0007C000 00040000 003DB000 00100000 00000000 00004000 00029000 00000000 003DE000 Tag: $DAT, data length: 00000029 (0x000000A4 bytes) DAT: FFFFFFFF 00000000 00000001 00000000 50524649 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 mods 000938B8 NFTP huffman stream: 00000D00-0004DF73 (00108D00-00155F73) LUT header at 001085C0: Signature: 'LLUT' Chunk count 448 Unpacked base 0x1015C000 (VA=0x2015C000) LUT base: 0x00107040 Huffman data length: 0x0004D273 Huffman data start: 0x00108D00 Flags: 0x00000001 Reserved1: [0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L] Page size: 0x00000400 Tool version: 7.0 Chipset/revision: CPT/A0 Tag: $MCP, data length: 00000011 (0x00000044 bytes) MCP: 00074A68 00000598 00108000 EC32F3F3 D8AD579B D91FD6FF 3FC9EDE4 DB60817C A8B51EB8 892B8DEA 3F225327 00010000 00000008 00000001 00000001 Tag: $UPV, data length: 00000009 (0x00000024 bytes) UPV: 00000001 564D444D 00100000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 mods 00108598 ------MDMV------ 20040000 20041000 Pavp RAPI 20041000 20042000 Pavp KAPI 20042000 2006B000 Pavp CODE 2006B000 200A48A8 Pavp DATA 200A48A8 200A5000 Pavp GAP -- 200A5000 200A6000 JOM RAPI 200A6000 200A7000 JOM KAPI 200A7000 200E0000 JOM CODE 200E0000 200E0600 JOM DATA 200E0600 200E1000 JOM GAP ------End------- ------FTPR------ 2003C000 2003D000 UPDATE RAPI 2003D000 2003E000 UPDATE KAPI 2003E000 2003F000 UPDATE CODE 2003F000 2003F010 UPDATE DATA 2003F010 20040000 UPDATE GAP -- 200E1000 200E2000 ROMP RAPI 200E2000 200E3000 ROMP CODE 200E3000 200E3028 ROMP DATA 200E3028 200E4000 ROMP GAP -- 200E4000 200E5000 BUP RAPI 200E5000 200F7000 BUP CODE 200F7000 200FACD0 BUP DATA 200FACD0 200FB000 BUP GAP -- 200FB000 200FC000 KERNEL RAPI 200FC000 20129000 KERNEL CODE 20129000 201331B4 KERNEL DATA 201331B4 20134000 KERNEL GAP -- 20134000 20135000 POLICY RAPI 20135000 20136000 POLICY KAPI 20136000 20152000 POLICY CODE 20152000 20153FFC POLICY DATA 20153FFC 20154000 POLICY GAP -- 20211000 20212000 HOSTCOMM RAPI 20212000 20213000 HOSTCOMM KAPI 20213000 2021E000 HOSTCOMM CODE 2021E000 20229530 HOSTCOMM DATA 20229530 2022A000 HOSTCOMM GAP -- 201CD000 201CE000 RSA RAPI 201CE000 201CF000 RSA KAPI 201CF000 201DA000 RSA CODE 201DA000 201DA63C RSA DATA 201DA63C 201DB000 RSA GAP -- 2022A000 2022B000 CLS RAPI 2022B000 2022C000 CLS KAPI 2022C000 20236000 CLS CODE 20236000 20240B1C CLS DATA 20240B1C 20241000 CLS GAP -- 20241000 20242000 TDT RAPI 20242000 20243000 TDT KAPI 20243000 20250000 TDT CODE 20250000 20257140 TDT DATA 20257140 20258000 TDT GAP -- 20154000 20155000 FTCS RAPI 20155000 20156000 FTCS KAPI 20156000 2015C000 FTCS CODE 2015C000 2015C624 FTCS DATA 2015C624 2015D000 FTCS GAP -- 201DB000 201DC000 ClsPriv RAPI 201DC000 201DD000 ClsPriv KAPI 201DD000 201DE000 ClsPriv CODE 201DE000 201DE624 ClsPriv DATA 201DE624 201DF000 ClsPriv GAP -- 201DF000 201E0000 SESSMGR RAPI 201E0000 201E1000 SESSMGR KAPI 201E1000 2020B000 SESSMGR CODE 2020B000 202102FC SESSMGR DATA 202102FC 20211000 SESSMGR GAP ------End------- ------NFTP------ 20258000 20259000 MPC RAPI 20259000 2025A000 MPC KAPI 2025A000 2025C000 MPC CODE 2025C000 2025C870 MPC DATA 2025C870 2025D000 MPC GAP -- 2015D000 2015E000 utilities RAPI 2015E000 2015F000 utilities KAPI 2015F000 20164000 utilities CODE 20164000 201645D8 utilities DATA 201645D8 20165000 utilities GAP -- 20165000 20166000 NET_STACK RAPI 20166000 20167000 NET_STACK KAPI 20167000 201BB000 NET_STACK CODE 201BB000 201C3D38 NET_STACK DATA 201C3D38 201C4000 NET_STACK GAP -- 2025D000 2025E000 ICC RAPI 2025E000 2025F000 ICC KAPI 2025F000 20263000 ICC CODE 20263000 20264AF4 ICC DATA 20264AF4 20265000 ICC GAP -- 201C4000 201C5000 BOP RAPI 201C5000 201C6000 BOP KAPI 201C6000 201CB000 BOP CODE 201CB000 201CCDD4 BOP DATA 201CCDD4 201CD000 BOP GAP -- 20265000 20266000 NFC RAPI 20266000 20267000 NFC KAPI 20267000 2026E000 NFC CODE 2026E000 2026E740 NFC DATA 2026E740 2026F000 NFC GAP ------End------- ============================================================================== BOP-201c6000.mod BopEventFlagsGroup BopWorkerThread Udp Remote Wake Timer BOP Probe Timer BOP Delay Send Timer BOP Keep Alive Timer BOP Keep Alive Ack Timer BOP DHCP lease expire BUP-200e5000.mod Intel(R) CGRPT PAVP Random Value KERNEL ME ALT DISABLE BIOS Platorm Key INTEL CLS PERMIT Patsburg upgrade ROM I$PMC_PAT Sep 27 201014:13:50 Mar 06 201211:39:53 Nov 30 201109:40:47 CLS-2022a000.mod PCH_SOFTSKU ClsAccessSemaphore ClsInterfaceSemaphore ClsEventFlagsGroup ClsWorkerThread ClsInputQ FstConnectedBufferQ FstSendQ INTEL CLS PERMIT INTEL CLS PERMIT INTEL CLS PERMIT CPU_SOFTSKU ClsPriv-201db000.mod pPIRA FTCS-20156000.mod 999999*U$D8jp U$D8jp U$F8V$G4 GpWorkItem CbDispWorkItem M0OnlyWorkItem Queue events M0 Queue events Event sync M0 Event sync SMT service threads db Semaphore SMT service timer SMT transmit queue SMT device-info queue SMT Tx queue semapohre access SMT Service Event Flags SMT Rx assembly list semaphore access SMT Service Worker Thread HOSTCOMM-20211000.mod $MN2NFTP NFTPFTPR uPRFT uTPNF FTPRNFTP $MCP $DAT$MCP\i" FTPR $DAT. NFTPFTPR 4U$B8 GLUT NFTP U$D7 FTPRNFTP$MN2 FTPR$MN2NFTP $DAT$MCP|h" $SKU $MCP HeciCmdQueue HeciSend HeciTxDone HeciAccessCtrl HECI HECI Semaphore "HECI 1" "HECI 2" HciSemaphore HciSysIntIdSemaphore HciInputQueue HciHeciEventFlags HciBufferQueue HciSendQueue HciHeciThread FTPR NFTP UPDATE FW Update HECI Send Queue FW Update HECI Buffer Queue FW Update HECI Input Queue FW Update HECI Event Flags FW Update Event Flags Update Semaphore SAL Semaphore Psvn Semaphore Fwu CriticalSem FW Update HECI Thread VDM Task event flags VdmThread VdmReadSemaphore VdmWriteSemaphore VdmEventFlags ICC-2025d000.mod IccEventFlagsGroup IccTimer IccWorkerThread IccHeci1InputQ IccHeci1ConnectedBufferQ IccHeci1SendQ IccHeci1ConnectionlessBufferQ IccHeci2InputQ IccHeci2ConnectionlessBufferQ IccHeci2SendQ JOM-200a5000.mod JomHeciSendQueue JomHeciBufferQueue JomHeciInputQueue JomHeciVmInputQueue JomHeciVmBufferQueue JomHeciThread JomEventFlagsGroup JomInitialize called JomThreadMain JomUnInitialize called Unsupported flow, break and watch... %d Trying to take events lock before init Trying to put events lock before init JomThreadMgmtInit called JOM native lock JOM mgmt native semaphore creation failed JOM event lock JOM mgmt events semaphore creation failed JomThreadFlags JOM mgmt thread flags creation failed JomThreadMgmtInit event flags created JomThreadMgmtDeinit called JomThreadMgmtDeinit event flags deleted JoM memory lock $$D8 HMAC 0!0 CIPHER config.s.serviceID applet.flash.quota applet.debug.enable Medal Medal App NFC inactivity timer JOM NFC context lock NFC Event JOM NFC Queue Jom NFC Thread JOM Timer Mgr L.List Lock Timer Manager Worker Thread JOM Timer Request Events Jom Timer Manager Queue Timer Manager TX Timer applet.feature.set.permission INTEL_DYNAMIC_APPLICATION_LOADER JOM CLS Worker Thread Jom CLS Message Queue JOM CLS Data mutex Trusted Foundations Software TFMZV08.03.0 # System Configuration File [Global] integration.description: %s workspace.1.size: 0x%08X skernel.memory.size: 0x%08X system.memory.size: 0x%08X SKC_ServerInit failed [0x%X] malloc failed SKK_CoreRun failed [0x%X] libHeapInit: The memory size is too small (%d bytes) libHeapInit[0x%x]: Heap Size of 0x%x bytes static_libHeapGCClientMark() libHeapGCExecute: GC cache overflow static_libHeapGCSweep Collect the following block: libHeapGCExecute[0x%x]: Invalid handle libHeapGCExecute No registered GC client: only rebuild free blocks list %p: Heap extension failed because there is no heap extension callback %p: Extend heap from %d bytes to %d bytes %p: heap extension failed from %d bytes to %d bytes %p: Heap extension succeeded. New actual heap size is %d bytes libHeapAllocEx: Out of memory for size=%d. Now try to extend the heap libHeapAllocEx: heap extension failed libHeapAllocEx: out of memory for size=%d libHeapAllocEx: The following block is allocated: libHeapFreeEx: Free the following block: libHeapReallocEx[0x%x]: Invalid handle libHeapReallocEx: Reallocating the following block for %d bytes: libHeapReallocEx: Cannot reallocate a new block libHeapStatGetSize[0x%x]: Invalid handle libHeapGCRegister[0x%x]: Invalid handle libHeapGCRegister() Can't allocate GC cache libHeapGCUnregister libHeapGCSafePremark[0x%x]: Invalid handle libHeapGCSafePremark: GC cache overflow (THIS IS NOT AN ERROR) libHeapGCSafePremark: Pre-mark set on the following block: libHeapGCPremark[0x%x]: Invalid handle NULL result uuid utf8 utf16 false true true false UTF-8 US-ASCII ISO646-US ISO-8859-1 ISO-LATIN-1 VSIJBCFDZ L%{utf16} Watchdog timeout expired: kill service instance Exception %h{class} at %h{class}.%{methodIndex} at %h{class}.%{methodIndex} [%04X] Exception caught in %h{class}.%{methodIndex} [%04X] JEFF class methodIndex UNKNOWN C-%04X-UNKNOWN %{utf8}%s%{utf8} C-%04X-%{utf8}%s%{utf8} %{utf8} com.intel.crypto com.intel.langutil com.intel.util com.intel.ui com.intel.nfc java com.trustedlogic.tf JEFF dN+- l6 * dM+, BA8D1643-50B6-49cc-861D-2C01BED14BE8 config.s.serviceIDk config.s.permission.event.register config.s.serviceID Failed to dispatch the event. Event dropped Array index out of range: false true tpt6 `6 * UTF-8 false null true false null true p2N- +S*Y AccessDeniedException AppletEvent ArithmeticException ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ArrayStoreException ArrayUtils Boolean Button ButtonImpl Byte CLFManager CLFManager$CardApplication CLFManagerImpl CLFManagerImpl$1 CLFManagerImpl$IntelCardListener CLSClient CLSManager CLSManagerImpl CLSManagerImpl$1 CLSManagerImpl$CLSListener Calendar CardClient CardDescriptor CardDescriptorImpl Character Cipher Class ClassCastException ClassNotFoundException Clickable CommandParameters CompositeWidget ComputationException CryptoException CryptoNative DebugPrint DebugPrintImpl Dialog DialogImpl DigestContext EmptyStackException Enumeration Enumerator EpidAlg EpidAlgImpl Error Event EventClient EventClient$Listener EventDispatcher EventDispatcher$EventListener EventException EventManager Exception FileNotFoundException FlashStorage FlashStorageImpl FlashWearoutException Hash HashAlg HashAlgImpl Hashtable Hashtable$HashtableEntry Hashtable$HashtableEnumerator HmacAlgImpl IOException IllegalAccessException IllegalArgumentException IllegalParameterException IllegalUseException Image ImageImpl IndexOutOfBoundsException InputBuffer InputBufferView InputValue InputValueView InstantiationException Integer IntelApplet IntelRuntimeException InterruptedException InvalidOperationException Label LabelImpl Line LineImpl List ListImpl ListImpl$ListEnumerator ListImpl$ListNode Long MAX_FILE_INDEX MIN_FILE_INDEX MTCImpl Math NativeEvent NegativeArraySizeException NfcAccessDeniedException NfcException NfcFileNotFoundException NfcFlashWearoutException NfcHardwareException NfcIOException NfcIllegalParameterException NfcIllegalUseException NfcNative NfcNotInitializedException NfcNotSupportedException NfcOutOfResourcesException NoSuchElementException NotInitializedException NotSupportedException NullPointerException NumberFormatException Object OutOfMemoryError OutOfResourcesException OutputBuffer OutputBufferView OutputValue OutputValueView PRODUCT_TYPE_MAX_LENGTH PRTCCalendarImpl Parameter Parameters PlatformCapability PlatformId PlatformIdImpl ProtectedOutput ProtectedOutputImpl Random Rectangle RectangleImpl RsaAlg RsaAlgImpl Runtime RuntimeException SERIAL_NUMBER_MAX_LENGTH SESSION_PARAMS_MAX_SIZE SLog SResult SecurityException SequentialCipher SequentialSignature Service ServiceContext Shell Short SigmaAlg SigmaAlgEx SigmaAlgExImpl SigmaAlgImpl Signature Stack StackOverflowError String StringBuffer StringIndexOutOfBoundsException SymmetricBlockCipherAlg SymmetricBlockCipherAlgImpl SymmetricBlockCipherAlgImpl$Context SymmetricSignatureAlg System Throwable TimeZone TimerClient TimerDB TimerManager TimerManager$Timer TimerManagerImpl TimerManagerImpl$1# TimerManagerImpl$IntelTimerListener TypeConverter UNIQUE_ID_MAX_LENGTH UUID UiException UiIllegalParameterException UiIllegalUseException UiNative UiNotInitializedException UiNotSupportedException UiOutOfResourcesException UnsupportedEncodingException UtilException UtilNative UtilOutOfResourcesException Utils Vector Vector$1 VirtualMachineError Widget WidgetMapping XYPair access$000 access$100 access$102 access$200 access$202 addBigImageChunk addElement addImageBlock addWidget addWidgetArrayToList addWidgetToList addWidgets advance advanceCounter append appendClickableWidgetsToList arraycopy blockType booleanValue buckets buffer build byteValue bytesToInt bytesToShort cachedHashCode calculateBlockType capacity capacityIncrement cardApplicationCreate cardApplicationDetect cardApplicationRelease cardApplicationSend cardDataReceived cardDetected cardError charAt charValue chars checkAPDU checkBooleanArrayRange checkByteArrayRange checkDestinationInstance checkIntArrayRange checkKeySize checkPermission checkShortArrayRange checkStatus clear clone com.intel.crypto com.intel.langutil com.intel.nfc com.intel.ui com.intel.util com.trustedlogic.tf com.trustedlogic.tf.impl compareBooleanArray compareByteArray compareIntArray compareShortArray compareTo complete computeDigest concat consume consumeFinelize consumeUpdate contains containsKey context copyBooleanArray copyByteArray copyIntArray copyInto copyShortArray counter create createBigImageBuffer createButton createCardApplication createDialog createImage createInstance createLabel createLine createPermanentFilter createRectangle createTimer createWidget ctxBuf currentEntry currentIndex data debugPrint decryptComplete decryptUpdate delete deleteCharAt destroy destroyAllFilters destroyPermanentFilter destroyTimer detect digit dispatchEvent dispose domain elementAt elementCount elementData elements empty encryptComplete encryptUpdate endsWith ensureCapacity ensureCapacity0 entryCount equals eraseFlashData error event fillBooleanArray fillByteArray fillIntArray fillShortArray finalSignCaller findApplication findInBooleanArray findInByteArray findInIntArray findInShortArray findTimerById firstElement flags forIndex freeMemory generateKeys generateRSAKeyPair getA getAlgType getB getBgColor getBlockSize getBorderColor getBorderWidth getBoundingBox getByte getBytes getCardInfo getCardInfoLength getCardType getChars getChipsetType getChipsetTypeNative getChunk getClassName getClassNameChars getClickableWidgetMappings getClickableWidgets getClickedWidget getColor getCpuType getCpuTypeNative getCryptoContextSize getCryptoCounter getData getDataLength getDomain getEncryptedKeyRecord getEnd getEntry getEnumerator getEpidSignatureLength getEvent getEventListeners getFeatureSet getFeatureSetNative getFillType getFlashDataSize getFontType getFormat getFwCertLength getGroupId getGroupIdLength getHashAlg getHashLength getHmacLength getIV getId getImage getImageBlock getInstance getInstanceId getKey getKeySize getLength getLineType getLocation getMTC getMacKey getMacKeySize getManageabilityType getManageabilityTypeNative getMaxDataLength getMessage getMinDataLength getModulusSize getNext getOemId getOemIds getPaddingScheme getParamType getParams getPlatformType getPlatformTypeNative getPrivateExponentSize getProperty getPropertyById getProvisionDataMaxOutputLength getPublicExponentSize getPublicKey getPublicKeySize getRandomBytes getRawOffset getReason getRelativeLocation getResponseBufferSize getRuntime getS1Message getS1MessageLength getS3MessageLength getSecretKey getSecretKeySize getServiceContext getServiceProperty getSessionId getSessionIdLength getSessionParameter getSignatureLength getSize getSource getStart getState getText getTextPixelWidth getTextSize getThickness getTime getType getUID getUUID getUidLength getValue getWidgets getX getY hadData handleSession handles hasCurvedEdges hasMoreElements hasNext hash hashCode identityHashCode incrementMTC index indexOf initContext initCryptoContext initFromBytes initialize initialized insert insertElementAt intToBytes intValue intersect invokeCommand isDigit isEmpty isLowerCase isNull isProvisioned isReleased isRunning isStopped isUpperCase java.io java.lang java.util keys lastElement lastIndexOf leftData leftDataSize length listeners loadFactor longValue mContexts mDInitialized mDParameter mDigestContext mEInitialized mEParameter mHashInitialized mHashType mInitialized mKeySize mNInitialized mNParameter mPaddingInitialized mPaddingScheme m_UID m_absLocation m_algo m_algorithm_type m_autoRestart m_bgColor m_blockSize m_borderColor m_borderWidth m_cardApplications m_cardData m_cardDataBuffer m_cardState m_cardType m_cardTypes m_checkForNull m_client m_clients m_color m_context m_current m_curvedEdges m_data m_dayLightSaving m_dialog m_digestSize m_encryptedSessionKey m_endLinePos m_fillType m_fontType m_format m_halfHourAdjust m_head m_hours m_id m_idType m_imageData m_initialized m_instance m_invokeCommandInProcess m_issuerUniqueId m_iv m_ivInitialized m_ivLength m_key m_keyInitialized m_keyLength m_keySize m_location m_next m_outputBuffer m_outputBufferTooSmall m_outputValue m_productType m_readerIsActive m_relLocation m_rendered m_running m_serialNumber m_sessionId m_size m_specificAlgType m_subjectUniqueId m_tail m_text m_thickness m_timeZone m_timeZoneSet m_timeout m_widgetList main monotonicCounter newInstance next nextElement offset onClose onCloseSession onCommand onEvent onInit onOpenSession onPermitCreate onPermitReceived onTimerTick onUncaughtException paramlist parse parseByte parseInt parseLong parseShort pavpWrapKey peek post postEvent postInternal printBuffer printInt printString process processComplete processS2Message processUpdate provisionData push putByte readFlashData regionMatches register registerClient rehash release releaseBigImageBuffer releaseBuffer releaseImage releaseRenderedBuffer remove removeAllElements removeElement removeElementAt render replace reset resetContext resetMTC reverse rsaEncryptDecrypt rsaSign rsaVerify runtime search send sendAsynchMessage sendMessage sendResponseWaitMessage setA setB setCharAt setElementAt setHashAlg setIV setKey setLength setListener setNewKey setPaddingScheme setRequiredCapacity setResponse setResponseCode setRsaKey setSize setTime setTimeZone setTimerNative shortToBytes shortValue sigmaEpidSign sigmaGetContextSize sigmaGetEpidCertLen sigmaGetEpidGid sigmaGetEpidSignatureLength sigmaGetHwCert sigmaGetMkFromContext sigmaGetS1 sigmaGetS1Size sigmaGetS3Size sigmaGetSessionManagerCommandMtu sigmaGetSessionPubKey sigmaGetSkFromContext sigmaIsEpidProvisioned sigmaProcessS2! sigmaSessionManagerCommandHandler sigmaValidate3PartyCert signComplete signHash signUpdate singleton size source start startRendering startTimer startsWith state stop stopDetect stopTimer stopTimerNative string substring symEncryptDecrypt this$0 toBinaryString toCharArray toHexString toLowerCase toLowerOrUpperCase toOctalString toString toString0 toUnsignedString toUpperCase totalMemory trace trim trimToSize uninitialize unregister unregisterClient update updateAbsoluteLocation updateFeatureSet updateFeatureSetNative updateLength utf8Bytes uuid val$elementCount val$elementData validateLine value valueOf verifyComplete verifyHash verifyParams verifyUpdate viewAsInputBuffer viewAsInputValue viewAsOutputBuffer viewAsOutputValue waitEvent warning what widgetListToArray wipBuf wipBufSize word0 word1 word2 word3 writeFlashData debj config.s.permission.event.post applet.cls.subclass.register com.trustedlogic.tf.Service TVMMain config.s.watchdog.timeout config.s.debug.suspend.timeout TJOM thread UTCB (0x%08x) ----- | sHALRegisters | ------------ | | R0 = 0x%08x | | R1 = 0x%08x | | R2 = 0x%08x | | R3 = 0x%08x | | R12 = 0x%08x | | hThread = %p | | pLabel = "%s" | ----- | sUSCB.hCurrentCommand = 0x%08x | sUSCB.nCurrentCommandContext = 0x%08x | sUSCB.nCurrentSessionContext = 0x%08x | sName[16] = "%s" | nThreadLocals[15] = | {0x%08x,0x%08x,0x%08x,0x%08x, | 0x%08x,0x%08x,0x%08x,0x%08x, | 0x%08x,0x%08x,0x%08x,0x%08x, | 0x%08x,0x%08x,0x%08x} --:--:--.--- Booting... (t=%s) %s Booted PANIC 0x config.s.serviceID config.s.multi_instance config.s.multi_session config.s.multi_command config.s.lazy_instantiation config.s.service_manager.allow_manager_mode config.s.default_stack_size config.s.heap_size config.s.heap_size.max config.s.watchdog.timeout config.s.debug.suspend.timeout config.s.debug.port config.s.permission.event.register config.s.permission.event.post config.s. config. smx.name SSPIMain SSPICreate SSPIOpenClientSession SSPIInvokeCommand SSPICloseSession Tconfig. Main config. NULL Assertion failed at %s:%u: %s SThreadCreate RH<{ config.s.permission.event.register config.s.permission.event.post config.s.multi_instance config.s.multi_session config.s.multi_command config.s.lazy_instantiation config.s.service_manager.allow_manager_mode config.s.heap_size EventManager sm.client.login 0x00000000 0x00000001 0x00000002 0x00000004 0x00000005 0x00000006 0x80000002 0xF0000001 sm.client.login 0xF0000000 ssdi.apidescription ssdi.apiversion INFO ERR WARN true false false false false 16384 System 3.0S KERNEL-200fc000.mod #18>DOSZahov} CryptDrv Mac Semaphore ExceptionSemaphore ChAvailMsgQueue SlowTargetMsgQueue GpdmaEventFlags GpdmaPrivFlagsAccessSem GpdmaMemRangeAccessSemWlan GpdmaMemRangeAccessSemIder HPTimerAlarmAccessSem HPTimerAlarmReadySem BUP KERNEL POLICY NFTP FTPR POLICY LdrPrivWorkerThread LdrNonPrivWorkerThread LdrPrivLoadCmdQ LdrNonPrivLoadCmdQ LdrNonPrivLoadTknQ LdrUnloadCmdEventFlags LdrLoadUnloadSemphore LoaderTimer PicCtxtSem SystemThread ItmIdleThread ItmTimer ItmSemaphore ItmPerfTimer IntfDbaseSemaphore PreUMAPksaIntfPool PreUMACompHdlPool PreUMAIntfHdlPool LiveCompHdlPool LiveIntfHdlPool LivePksaIntfPool M0CompHdlPool M0IntfHdlPool M0PksaIntfPool PksaDBSemaphore "GPDMAPatchEvt" uKBupMbpSemphore Daemon Database Multicast Daemon Q Multicast Event Flags Multicast Client Dbase Multicast Daemon SUS_RAM_SEMAPHORE "Time Semaphore" ThreadXObjAccessSem TX_SHEDULER_SYSTEM_SEM Scheduler Thread MDES_SEMAPHORE MDES_CB_WRITE_SEMAPHORE MdesEventFlags MdesWorkerThread StorageCmdMsgAvailQueue StorageCmdMsgEventFlags StorageIdleTimer StorageCmdMsgWorkerThread ISDC CryptDrv Semaphore CryptDrv HmacKeyGen Semaphore CryptDrv TRNG Semaphore CryptDrv TRNG Interrupt Semaphore /gtz PreApiSemaphore PreEventFlags PreThread KERNEL MemMngrEvntFlags MemMgrMutex ZKd ZKd KERNEL MPC-20258000.mod MpcEventFlagsGroup MpcTimer MpcAccessSemaphore MpcInputQueue MpcConnectionlessBufferQ MpcThermDrvAccessSemaphore SstAccessSemaphore SstCmdMsgQueue SstCmdAvailableQueue SstCmdCompleteMsgQueue SstWorkerThread MpcWorkerThread NET_STACK-20167000.mod DNS global context lock DNS Update Timer DNS Query Timer DNS query default server list semaphore DNS cache semaphore roap:HashChainSupport roap:ExtensionContainer NotRegistered DeviceTimeError NoCertficateChain Success roap:PostResponseURL http://www.w3c.org/2001/04/xmlenc#aes128-cbc http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#Content #K_MEK_and_K_MAC http://www.rsasecurity.com/rsalabs/pkcs/schemas/pkcs-1#rsaes-kem-kdf2-kw-aes128 yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ http://www.rsasecurity.com/rsalabs/pkcs/schemas/pkcs-1#rsaes-kem-kdf2-kw-aes128 http://www.cm-la.com/tech/cmlaip/cmlaip#cmlaip-1 http://www.cm-la.com/tech/cmlaip/cmlaip#cmlaip-2 http://www.cm-la.com/tech/cmlaip/cmlaip#cmlaip-3 http://www.cm-la.com/tech/cmlaip/cmlaip#cmlaip-4 http://www.cm-la.com/tech/cmlaip/cmlaip#cmlaip-5 http://www.cm-la.com/tech/cmlaip/cmlaip#cmlaip-6 http://www.cm-la.com/tech/cmlaip/cmlaip#cmlaip-7 http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#sha1 http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#hmac-sha1 http://www.rsasecurity.com/rsalabs/pkcs/schemas/pkcs-1#rsa-pss-default http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#kw-aes128 http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n# 0123456789 cmlauv:1.0 Success NotRegistered roap:X509SPKIHash roap:PeerKeyIdentifier roap:CertificateCaching roap:DeviceDetails roap:DomainNameWhitelist yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ gid: cid: pid: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/= yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ urn:oma:drms:org-cmla:uv-analog-outputs urn:oma:drms:org-cmla:uv-dtcp urn:oma:drms:org-cmla:uv-hdcp urn:oma:drms:org-cmla:hdcp urn:oma:drms:org-cmla:unconstrainedcomputer-monitoroutputs http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#kw-aes128 copy Video Key Audio Key Audio-Video Key yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/= ?456789:;<= !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123 ]xEc http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace xmlns: > < " & ' true false xmlns xmlns http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace