Seznam přípon souborů ********************* Spoluautoři: Martin Řehák (RayeR) & Zdeněk Buk (GHOST) Datum poslední modifikace: 12.9.2024 Doporučení: Zapněte si češtinu dle kódu bří Kamenických ============================================================================== 000 - Data file (GEOWorks) 000-20009 Used to number old (backup) versions of files, datový soubor PC FAND (DOS) bez deklarace dat 1ST - Obvykle soubor READ.1ST - informace o programu, či jeho výrobci 12M - Smartmaster file (Lotus 1-2-3 '97) 123 - 97 file1-STEP Backup file (Iomega Backup) 2D - Two-dimensional drawing file (VersaCAD) ( 2GR - VGA Graphics driver/configuration files (Microsoft Windows) 3GR - VGA Graphics driver/configuration files (Microsoft Windows) 3D - Three-dimensional drawing file (VersaCAD) ( 3DF - Bitmapové textury pro akcelerátory 3Dfx 3DM - 3D NURBS modeler, (Rhino) 3DS - Vektorový obrázek programu 3D Studio 386 - Virtuální 32bit ovladač zařízení MS Windows 411 - Data file (Used by digital cameras) 4GE - Compiled code (Informix 4GL) 4GL - Source code (Informix 4GL) 4V - Music file (Quartet) 602 - Textový dokument editoru T602 669 - Tracker module (Composer 669) 7Z - 7-ZIP archive (very good compression, optional Rijndael encryption) 8BF - Filtr programu Adobe PhotoShop 8SX - Amiga sample @@@ - Screen files used in the installation and instruction on use of such applications as Microsoft Codeview for C $$$ - Used by OS/2 to keep track of archived files ~AP - AppExpert project database file (Borland C++ 4.5) ~DE - Project backup file (Borland C++ 4.5) ~MN - Menu backup (Norton Commander) ~$~ - Temporary file (1ST Reader) ~PR - Project backup file (Terramodel) _DD - Soubor obsahující "ztracená data" vytvořený prog. Norton Disk Doctor #?? - Method of numbering picture files for a roll of film that has been scanned for computer presentation ??_ - Archiv instalace (rozbaluje program EXPAND.EXE) ============================================================================== A - Knihovna DJGPP/GCC vytvořená programem AR, skládá se z *.O souborů A3L - Authorware 3.x library A4L - Authorware 4.x library A5L - Authorware 5.x library A3M - Authorware MacIntosh file (unpackaged) A4M - Authorware MacIntosh file (unpackaged) A4P - Authorware file (packaged without runtime) A3W - Authorware Windows file (unpackaged) A4W - Authorware Windows file (unpackaged) A5W - Authorware Windows file (unpackaged) AA - Audible audio file (commonly used for downloadable audio books) AAM - Authorware shocked file AAS - Authorware shocked packet AB - Applix Builder file ABF - Adobe Binary Screen Font ABK - Automatická záloha dokumentu Corel Draw, PrintMaster Gold ABM - Audio album file (HitPlayer) ABO - Applix Builder Turbo file ABS - MPEG Audio Sound file ABS - Standard GNU compiler output file for a PC platform ABS - Sometimes used to denote an abstract (as in an abstract or summary of a scientific paper) AutoBackup ACA - Project Manager Workbench file ACA - HTTP animation file (Microsoft Agent) ACB - ACBM Graphic image ACC DR-DOS Viewmax fileACD Character definiton file (Microsoft Agent) ACE - Archiv ACE ACF - HTTP character file (Microsoft Agent) ACFB - Advanced Comic Book Format - komixový formát založený na XML ACI - ACI development appraisal (ACIWEB) ACL - Corel Draw 6 keyboard accelerator file ACM - Windows system directory file ACM - Interplay compressed sound file (Fallout 1,2, Baulder's Gate) ACM - Dynamic Link Library (DLL) ACP - Microsoft Office Assistant Preview file ACR - American College of Radiology file ACS - Character structered storage file (Microsoft Agent) ACT - Action Presentation ACT - Documenting wizard action diagram (Visual FoxPro) ACT - FoxPro Foxdoc Action Diagram ACT - Microsoft Office Assistant Actor file ACV - Used to Compress and decompress audio data AD - Zhášeč obrazovky programu After Dark ADA - Zdrojový text programu v jazyce ADA ADB - Ada source text body file (GNAT) ADB - HP 100LX Organizer Appointment database ADC - Scanstudio 16 color Bitmap Graphic file ADD - OS/2 adapter driver file used in the boot process ADE - Rozšíření projektu MS-Access ADF - Amiga disk file ADI - Datový soubor programu AutoCAD (data pro plotr) ADL - QEMM Mca adaptor description library ADM - After Dark MultiModule screensaver (Microsoft) ADM - Windows NT policy template ADN - Lotus 1-2-3 Add-In file ADP - Astound Dynamite file ADP - Dynamic Page file (AOLserver) ADP - FaxWorks Faxmodem setup file ADP - Projekt MS-Access ADR - After Dark Randomizer screensaver ADR - Data Address booku (Atari Portfolio) ADS - Ada source text specification file (GNAT) ADT - AdTech Fax file ADT - HP NewWave datafile for card applications ADX - Archetype Designer Document ADX - Dynazip Active Delivery script ADX - Lotus Approach dBase Index ADZ - Packed ADF file (Extracts with WinZip) AE - Author/Editor file (SoftQuad) AEP - ArcExplorer project file AF2 - ABC FlowCharter 2.0 Flowchart AF3 - ABC Flowchart AFC - Apple Sound file AFD - Adapter Definition File (popis HW k PS/2) AFI - Truevision Bitmap graphic AFM - Adobe metrics AFM - Font programu LightWave AFM - HP NewWave Cardfile application AG - Applix graphic AHQ - Plug-in ovládacího panelu SoundBlaster Live! AI - Adobe Illustrator drawing AI - Corel Trace drawing AIF - Zvukový soubor platforem Silicon Graphics/Apple Macintosh AIFC - Podobně jako AIF (komprimovaný) AIFF - Zvukový soubor platforem Silicon Graphics/Apple Macintosh AIM - AOL Instant Messenger Launch file AIN - Archiv AIN AIO - APL transfer file AIS - ACDSee Image Sequence AIS - Velvet Studio Instruments file AIS - Xerox Arry of Intensity Samples Graphic AIX - HP NewWave Cardfile Application data AKW - Contains all A-keywords in the RoboHELP Help Project Index Designer not associated with topics ALAW - Zvukový soubor kódovaný podle A-law ALIAS - Alias Image ALB - JASC Image Commander album ALI - Document file (SAP proprietary format) ALL - Arts & Letters Library ALL - WordPerfect for Windows General printer information file ALS - Alias Image ALT - WordPerfect Library Menu AM - Applix SHELF Macro AMD - Adlib Tracker Module (packed,unpacked) - MIDI AMF - DSMIA/Asylum module music (Crusader,No Remorse,Aladdin) AMF - Music file (Advanced Module Format) AMG - ACTOR System image AMG - Archiv AMGC AMI - Annotation file (Cocreate SolidDesigner) AMS - Modul (Extreme Tracker, Velvet Studio) AN - Text file (Sterling Software) (Groundworks COOL Business Team Model) ANC - Canon Computer Pattern Maker file that is a selectable list of pattern colors ANI - Animovaný kurzor MS Windows ANM - Deluxe Paint animace ANN - Anotace vytvořená k souboru obsahujícímu nápovědu ve formátu MS Windows 3.x ANS - ANSI textový soubor ANT - SimAnt for Windows saved game AOB - Audio OBject - zvukový soubor DVD-Audio na disku DVD AOS - Nokia 9000 Add-on software AOT - Applicatio binary object template file (ZenWorks snAPPshot) AP - Applix Presents file AP - WHAP Compressed Amiga archive APC - Compiled application file (Centura Team Developer) APC - Lotus 1-2-3 Printer driver APD - Dynamic application library file (Centura Team Developer) APD - Lotus 1-2-3 Printer driver APF - Lotus 1-2-3 Printer driver APF - Project file (Allaire) (Created by Homesite) API - Application Program Interface; used by Adobe Acrobat API - Lotus 1-2-3 Printer driver APJ - Homesite Projekt aplikace Homesite APL - Application library file (Centura Team Developer) APL - APL Workspace file APL - Definiční soubor aplikace WinBase602 APP - dBase Application Generator Object APP - FoxPro Generated Application APP - Generated application or active document (Visual FoxPro) APP - Normal mode application file (Centura Team Developer) APP - Symphony Add-in Application APP - DR-DOS Executable Application APR - ArcView project file APR - Employee Appraiser Performance Review file APR - Lotus Approach 97 View file APS - Advanced patching systems with error checking, (Similar to IPS) APS - Microsoft Visual C++ file APT - Lotus Approach Data view file APT - Text mode application file (Centura Team Developer) APX - Borland C++ Appexpert database APX - Definiční soubor aplikace WinBase602 APX - Lotus Approach Paradox-Specific information file AQ - Applix data AR6 - Archiv M602.ARC LHARC ARC - Archiv PKPAK, SQUASH ARF - Automatic Response file ARI - ARI Compressed archive ARI - Aristotle audio file ARJ - Archiv ARJ A?? - Archiv ARJ - další volumes ARK - Archiv ARC (CPM/Port archiv) ARL - AOL v4.0 organizer file ARR - Atari Cubase Arrangement ART - AOL Image file compressed using the Johson-Grace compression algorithm ART - Bitmapový obrázek her postavených na Build Engine ART - Canon Crayola art ART - Clip Art ART - First Publisher Raster graphic ART - Ray Tracer file ART - Xara Studio drawing ARX - Archiv ARX AS - Applix Spreadsheet ASA - Microsoft Visual InterDev file ASC - Textový soubor ASCII ASC - PGP armored encrypted file ASD - Astound Presentation ASD - Lotus 1-2-3 Screen driver ASD - Microsoft Advanced Streaming Format (ASF) description file; opens with NSREX ASD - WinWord AutoSave file ASE - Velvet Studio Sample file ASF - Lotus 1-2-3 Screen font ASF - MS Advanced Streaming Format - komprimované video (MPEG4+WMA) ASF - Music file (Electronic Arts) ASF - StratGraphics Datafile ASH - TASM 3.0 Assembly language header ASI - Borland C++/Turbo C Assembler Include file ASM - Pro/E assembly file ASM - Zdrojový kód v ASseMbleru ASO - Astound Dynamite Object ASP - Active Server Page (an HTML file containing a Microsoft server-processed script) ASP - Astound Presentation ASP - Procomm Plus setup and connection script AST - Astound multimedia file AST - Claris Works "assistant" file ASV - DataCAD Autosave file ASX - Cheyenne Backup script ASX - Microsoft Advanced Streaming Redirector file ASX - Playlist ASX - Video file AT2 - Aldus Persuasion 2.0 Auto Template ATM - Adobe Type Manager data/info file ATT - AT&T Group 4 bitmap ATT - E-mail attachment ATW - AnyTime Deluxe for Windows personal information manager file from Individual Software MultiModule screensaver AU - Sun/NeXT/DEC/UNIX sound file AU - Zvukový soubor kódovaný podle u-law AUD - Audio file (Westwood Studios) (Kyrandia 3,C&C,RedAlert,C&C:TS) AUX - ChiWriter Auxilliary Dictionary file AUX - TeX/LaTeX Auxilliary Reference file AVA - Avagio Publication AVB - Inculan Anti-Virus virus infected file AVI - Audio-Video Interleave-komprimované/nekomprimované video AVI - Virové informace programu AVG AVR - Audio Visual Research file AVS - Application Visualization System (vizualizační WinAMP plug-in) AVS - Stardent AVS-X Image AVX - File Extension (ArcView) AW - Applix Words file AW - HP AdvanceWrite Text file AWD - FaxView Document image AWK - AWK Script/Program AWM - Animation Works Movie AWR - Telsis file for digitally stored audio AWS - StatGraphics Data file AXL - ArcIMS XML project file AXT - ASCII application object template (ZenWorks snAPPshot) ============================================================================== B - Applause Batch list B1N - 1st Reader Mono and color binary screen image B30 - ABC Ventura publisher printer font B4 - Helix Nuts and Bolts file B8 - Raw graphic file (Piclab Plane II) B_W - Atari/Macintosh black and white graphic B&W - Atari/Macintosh black and white graphic B&W - 1st Reader Mono binary screen image BAD - Obecně záloha poškozeného souboru po pokusu o opravu BAK - Záložní kopie souboru BAL - Ballade Music score BAR - dBase Application Generator Horizontal menu object BAS - Zdrojový kód BASICu BAT - Dávkový soubor DOSu BB - Papyrus Database backup BBL - TeX/BibTeX Bibliographic reference file BBM - Deluxe Paint Bitmap image BBS - Bulletin Board Sytem text BCH - Batch Process Object (dBase Application Generator) BCH - Datalex Entry Point 90 Data file BCM - Microsoft Works Communications file BCO - Bitstream Outline font description file BCP - Borland C++ Makefile BCW - Borland C++ 4.5 Environment settings file BDB - Microsoft Works Dababase file BDF - Bitmap Distribution Format - bitmapový obrázek BDF - Egret Datafile BDF - West Point Bridge Designer file BDR - Microsoft Publisher Border BEZ - Bitstream Outline font description BF2 - Bradford 2 Font BFC - Windows 95 Briefcase Document BFM - Font Metrics file (UNIX/Mainframe) BFX - Fax document file (BitFax) BG - Microsoft Backgammon Game file BGA - OS/2 Graphic array BGI - Borland Graphics Interface (ovladače obrazovky) BGL - Microsoft Flight Simulator Scenery file BGS - BGScript source (BlueGiga Bluetooth Low Energy module scripting language) BHF - pcAnywhere Host file BI - Binary file BIB - Bibliography file (ASCII) BIB - Database BIB - TeX/BibTeX Literature Database BIF - GroupWise initialization file BIF - Image Capture Board Binary Image black & white graphic BIFF - XLITE 3D file BIK - BInK video file (mostly used in games, RAD Video Tools) BIN - Binární soubor, image diskety, CD, BIOSu, Bootrecordu a další BIO - OS/2 Bios file BIT - X11 Bitmap BK - Backup file (Generic) BK - JetFax Faxbook file BK$ - Backup file (Generic) BK! - WordPerfect for Windows Document backup BK? - WordPerfect for Windows Timed backup file for document window BKP - Záložní soubor TurboVidion Dialog Designer BKS - IBM BookManager Read bookshelf file BKS - Microsoft Works Spreadsheet Backup BKW - FontEdit Fontset mirror image BLB - Resource archive (DreamWorks),(Neverhood) BLB - Vektorový obrázek programu Blob Sculptor BLD - Binární soubor k programu vytvořeném v jazyce BASIC BLK - Alias Wavefront Image BLK - WordPerfect for Windows Temporary file BM - Windows system Bitmap BMF - Corel Gallery file BMK - Soubor obsahující "záložky" k souboru s nápovědou ve formátu MS Windows BMP - Bitmapový obrázek (1/4/8/24 bit) nekomprimovaný (Windows, OS/2) BM1 - Apogee BioMenace data BN - Instrument bank file (AdLib) BNK - Instrument Bank file (AdLib) BNK - Sound effects bank file (Electronic Arts) BOL - Compressed archive library file (Microsoft Booasm.arc) BOM - Bill of materials file (Orcad Schematic Capture) BOO - Archiv Microsoft Booasm.arc BOOK - Adobe FrameMaker Book BOX - Lotus Notes file BPC - Business Plan Toolkit Chart BPL - Borland Delphi 4 packed library BPS - Microsoft Works Document BPT - CorelDraw Bitmap fills file BPX - Lumena Paint - bitmapový obrázek BPX - Truevision Targa Bitmap BQY - BrioQuery file BR - Bridge Script BRD - Eagle Board Layout (návrh obrazce plošných spojů) BRK - Brooktrout Fax-Mail file BRW - Application file associated with financial institution(s) loan applications BRX - A file for browsing an index of multimedia options BRZ Db BRZ - file for very large Db backup or restore BSA - Archiv BSARC BSC - Apple II Compressed archive BSC - Fortran Pwbrmake Object BSC - MS Developer Studio (MSDev) browser information BS1 - Apogee Blake Stone data file BS_ - Microsoft Bookshelf Find Menu shell extension BSP - Zkompilovaná level mapa pro Quake BTM - Batch file used by Norton Utilities BTR - Database file (Btrieve 5.1) BUD - Backup disk for Quicken BUG - Bugs and Problems file BUN - CakeWalk Audio Bundle (a MIDI program) BUP - Záložní soubor nabídky a informací o audio/video na disku DVD BUT - Buttons! Button definition BUY - Movie data file BV? - WordPerfect for Windows Overflow file below insert point in document BW - SGI Black and White image file BW - Silicon Graphics Raw red,green and blue bytes file BWB - Visual Baler Spreadsheet application BWR - Kermit Beware buglist BWV - Business Wave file BYU - BYU Movie BZ - Archiv BZIP (UNIX) BZ2 - Archiv BZIP2 (UNIX) ============================================================================== C - Zdrojový kód programu v jazyce C C - Site configuration for Secure Remote (CheckPoint VPN) C00 - Ventura Publisher Print file C01 - Typhoon wave C86 - Computer Innovation (C86) Source code C-- - Zdrojový kód programu v jazyce Sphinx C-- CA - Schema programu Electronic Workbench Analog CA - Telnet Server Initial cache data file CA3 - Schema programu Electronic Workbench Analog 3.0 pro Windows CAB - Microsoft Cabinet soubor (rozbaluje program EXTRACT.EXE, CABEXP.EXE) CAC - dBase IV Executable file CAD - Softdesk Drafix Cad file CAG - Catalog file (Microsoft Clip Gallery v. 2.x,3.x,4.x) CAL - CALS Raster - bitmapový obrázek CAL - Datový soubor pro kalendář v MS Windows nebo programu Cakewalk CAL - SuperCalc 4/5 Spreadsheet CAM - Casio camera file CAN - Navigator Fax CAP - Compressed music file CAP - Telix Session Capture file CAP - Ventura Publisher Caption CAR - AtHome assistant file CAS - Comma-delimited ASCII file CAT - dBase Catalogue file CAT - Katalogový soubor vytvořený programem MS Backup CB - Microsoft clean boot file CB7 - Comic Book - obrázkový komix komprimovaný 7zip CBA - Comic Book - obrázkový komix komprimovaný ACE CBC - CubiCalc Fuzzy Logic System file CBI - Column binary file (used in IBM mainframe systems) CBL - Cobol Source code CBM - XLib Compiled Bitmap CBR - Comic Book - obrázkový komix komprimovaný RARem CBT - Generic Computer based training file CBT - Comic Book - obrázkový komix komprimovaný TARem CBZ - Comic Book - obrázkový komix komprimovaný ZIPem CC - Visual dBASE custom class file CC - Zdrojový kód programu v jazyce C++ CCA - CC:mail archive file CCB - Visual Basic Animated Button configuration file CCC - Curtain Call Native bitmap graphic CCE - Data file (Calendar Creator Plus) CCF - Multimedia Viewer configuration file used in OS/2 CCF - Symphony Communications Configuration file CCH - Corel Chart CCL - Intalk Communication Command Language CCM - Lotus CC:Mail "box" file (for example, INBOX.CCM) CCO - CyberChat data file CCO - XBTX Graphics CCT - Macromedia Director Shockwave cast file CCT - Seznam kontaktů Windows Messenger CD - Schema programu Electronic Workbench Digital CD3 - Schema programu Electronic Workbench Digital 3.0 pro Windows CDA - CD Audio Track CDB - CardScan Database (CardScan) CDB - Clipboard file CDB - Conceptual model backup file (PowerDesigner) CDB - TCU Turbo C Utilities Main database CDF - Microsoft Channel Definition Format CDF - Netcdf Graphic file CDFS - Compact Disk filing system (WindRiver) CDI - Phillips Compact Disk Interactive file CDK - Atari Calamus Document CDM - Conceptual data model file (PowerDesigner Data Architect) (Sybase) CDM - Conceptual model file (PowerDesigner) CDM - Visual dBASE custom data module CDR - Raw image soubor Audio-CD CDR - Vektorový obrázek programu Corel Draw CDT - Corel Draw Data file CDT - Corel Draw template CDX - Corel Draw compressed drawing CDX - Visual FoxPro index CE - The FarSide Computer Calendar Main CE file CEG - Tempra Show Bitmap graphic CEL - CIMFast Event Language file CEL - Komprimovaný bitmapový obrázek(24bit) programu 3D Studio/AAnimator PRO CER - Certificate file (MIME x-x509-ca-cert) CF - Imake Configurtion file CFB - Comptons Multimedia file CFG - Konfigurační soubor CFL - CorelFLOW Chart CFM - ColdFusion template CFM - Corel FontMaster file CFM - Visual dBASE Windows customer form CFN - Atari Calamus Font data file CFN - Konfigurační soubor CFO - TCU Turbo C Utilities C form object CFP - The Complete Fax Portable fax file CGA - Ventura Publisher Display font file CGI - Common Gateway Interface skript (binární) CGM - Computer Graphics Metafile-Metasoubor používaný programem MS Publisher CH - OS/2 configuration file CH - Clipper 5 Header CH3 - Harvard Graphics 3.0 Chart CH4 - Charisma 4.0 Presentation CHD - FontChameleon Font descriptor CHF - pcAnywhere remote control file CHI - ChiWriter Document CHK - Soubor obsahující "ztracená data" vytvořený programem CHKDSK/Scandisk CHK - WordPerfect for Windows Temporary file CHL - Configuration History Log CHM - Compiled HTML file CHN - Ethnograph Data file CHP - Ventura Publisher Chapter file CHR - Font pro grafiku v Borlad Pascalu/C++ CHT - ChartMaster dBase Interface file CHT - Harvard Graphics Vector file CHT - Soubor obsahující graf ChartViewer CIF - CalTech Intermediate Graphic CIF - CD Image File, soubor image CD programu Adaptec CD Creator CIF - PC Anywhere caller file CIL - Clip Gallery download package file CIM - Bitmapový obrázek programu Spicer CIM - Sim City 2000 file CIN - OS/2 change control file that tracks changes to an INI file CIT - Bitmapový obrázek programu Microstation CIX - TCU Turbo C Utilities Database Index CKB - Borland C++ Keyboard mapping file CK1 - iD/Apogee Commander Keen 1 data CK2 - iD/Apogee Commander Keen 2 data CK3 - iD/Apogee Commander Keen 3 data CK4 - iD/Apogee Commander Keen 4 data CK5 - iD/Apogee Commander Keen 5 data CK6 - iD/Apogee Commander Keen 6 data CL - Generic LISP Source code CL3 - Layout file (Adaptec Easy CD Creator) CLAS - S Java class CLG - Disk Catalog database CLL - Cricket Software Clicker File CLO - Cloe Image CLP - Clipper 5 Compiler Script CLP - Quattro Pro Clip art CLP - Uložený obsah schránky v MS Windows CLR - 1st Reader Binary color screen image CLR - PhotStyler Color defintion CLS - C++ Class Definition CLS - Visual Basic Class Module CM - Craftman Data CMA - Database file in plain text format (APPLIX TM1) CMD - 1st Reader External Command Menu CMD - Command file for Windows NT (similar to a DOS .BAT file), OS/2 CMD - Dávkový soubor OS/2 nebo spustitelnlý program CP/M CMD - dBase-II program file CMF - Corel Metafile CMF - Creative Labs MIDI CMG - Chessmaster saved game CMK - Card Shop Plus file CMM - CEnvi Batch file CMP - Address document CMP - Bitmapový obrázek programu Spicer CMP - CorelDRAW 4.0 Postscript Printer Header CMP - Microsoft Word for DOS User dictionary CMP - Route 66 Address Document CMR - MediaPlayer Movie CMU - Andrew multimedia CMV - Corel Move animation CMX - Corel Presentation Exchange image CMYK - Raw cyan, magenta, yellow, and black bytes file CNC - CNC General Program data CNF - Konfigurační soubor CNM - Windows application menu options and setup file CNQ - Compuworks Design Shop file CNT - Součást souboru s nápovědou ve Windows (seznam odkazů) CNV - Conversion files (WS_FTP Pro) files that will be converted from (Example) "HTML-"HTM" for upload CNV - Word for Windows Data conversion support file CNV - WordPerfect for Windows Temporary file COB - Vektorový obrázek programu Caligari Truespace COB - Zdrojový kód programu v jazyce COBOL COD - dBase Application Generator Template source file COD - FORTRAN Compiled code COD - Microsoft C compiler output as displayable machine language/assembler with original C as comments COD - Video Text file COL - Microsoft Multiplan Spreadsheet COL - Paleta Autodesk Animatoru COM - Spustitelný program (holý strojový kód bez hlavičky) CON - Simdir Configuration file CP2 - Copy2PC diskette image CP8 - CP8 256 Gray Scale image CPD - Complaints Desk Script CPD - Corel PrintOffice file (drawing) CPD - Fax Cover document CPE - Fax Cover document CPF - The Complete Fax (Fax file) CPH - Image file (Corel Print House) CPI - ColorLab Processed Image bitmap CPI - Soubor obsahující popis kódové stránky (součást MS-DOSu) CPJ - CeQuadrant CD Project CPL - Compel Presentation CPL - Corel color palette CPL - Windows control panel dialog CPO - Image file (Corel Print Office) CPP - Zdrojový kód programu v jazyce C++ CPP - CA-Cricket Presents presentation CPR - Corel Presents presentation CPS - Central Point PC Tools Backup CPS - Coloured postscript CPT - Archiv vytvořený na počítači Macintosh CPT - Corel Photo-Paint image CPT - CA-Cricket Presents Template CPT - dBase Encrypted Memo CPX - Corel Presentation Exchange compressed drawing CPY - Data file (Copy Books) CPZ - COMPOZ Music Text CR2 - Canon Raw - bezeztrátově komprimovaná data z CCD snímače digitálního fotoaparátu CRC - Soubor s kontrolním součtem CRC CRD - Datový soubor záznamníku z MS Windows CRF - Soubor obsahující křížové odkazy (vytvořený překladačem) CRH - Image file (Microsoft Golf) CRP - Corel Presents run-time presentation CRP - dBase IV Encrypted database CRP - Visual dBASE custom report CRS - Součást aplikace WinBase602 (definice dotazu) CRS - WordPerfect 5.1 for Windows File Conversion resource CRT - Certificate file CRT - Crontab file CRT - Oracle Terminal settings information CRU - CRUSH Compressed archive CRW - Canon RaW - data z CCD snímače digitálního fotoaparátu CSA - Comma deliminated text CSC - Corel script CSG - Statistica/w Graph file CSH - C shell script files (Hamilton Labs) CSM - Borland C++ 4.5 Precompiled header CSM - Script file (Kodak Dc265 Camera) CSO - Customer service data and outcome file CSP - PC Emcee On-Screen image CSS - Cascading Style Sheet - definice kaskádových stylů CSS - Stats+ Datafile CSS - Statistica/w Datasheet CST - Macromedia Director "Cast" (resource) file CSV - CompuShow Adjusted EGA/VGA Palette CSV - Comma Separated Values - obsah tabulky v textovém formátu CT - A graphic file associated with the Paint Shop Pro Graphic Editor CT - Scitex CT bitmap CTC - PC Installer Control CTF - Symphony Character code translation CTL - dBase IV ControlCTX Visual Basic User control binary file CTL - Used in general for files containing control information CTX - Microsoft Online Course Text CTX - Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) Ciphertext file CUE - Microsoft Cue Cards data CUL - Cursor library file (IconForge) CUR - (Animovaný) obrázek kurzoru myši Windows CURSOR - Sun Microsystems Cursor CUT - Obrázek programu Dr. Halo CV - Corel Versions archive CV - Microsoft CodeView information screen CVG - Image CVS - Canvas drawing file CWK - Claris Works data CWS - Claris Works template CXT - Macromedia Director protected (not editable) "Cast" (resource) file CXX - C++ source code ============================================================================== D00 - Vibrants Adlib Song - MIDI D2D - 2D/3D object file (3-D Fassade Plus) D64 - Commodore 64 emulator disk image DAA - PowerISO Direct-Access-Archive (CD/DVD image) DAO - Windows Registry BackupDAP Data access page (Microsoft Access 2000) DAT - Datový soubor (tedy všechno možné) DB - Databázový soubor programu Paradox 7 DB2 - Databázový soubor programu dBASE II DB3 - Databázový soubor programu dBASE III DB4 - Databázový soubor programu dBASE IV DBC - Visual FoxPro database container file DBF - Databázový soubor programu dBASE DBK - Schematic backup file (Orcad Schematic Capture) DBO - Compiled program file (dBase IV) DBQ - Paradox Memo DBT - dBase Text Memo DBV - Memo field file (Flexfile 2) DBW - Microsoft Windows 9.x Database file (DataBoss) DBX - DataBeam image DBX - Visual FoxPro Table file DC - CAD file (DesignCAD) DC2 - CAD file (DesignCAD) DCA - Document Content Architecture Text file (IBM DisplayWrite) DCA - Visual Basic Active designer cache DCF - Data file (Dyadic) DCF - Disk Image file DCIM - Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (image and data) DCM - DCM module DCP - Data CodePage (OS/2) DCR - Animace+zvuk Macromedia DireCtoR DCS - Bitmap Graphics (Quark XPress) DCS - Desktop Color Separation file DCS - Datafile (ACT! Activity file) DCT - Visual FoxPro database container file DCT - Database SpellCheck Dictionary (Harvard Graphics 3.0-Symphony) DCT - Slovník, resp. seznam slov DCTMP - Nekompletní soubor stažený klientem Direct Connect DCU - Delphi compiled unit DCX - Bitmap Graphics file (Multipage PCX) DCX - Fax image (based on PCX) DCX - Macro file DCX - Visual FoxPro database container file DC5 - DataCAD Drawing DD - Compressed Archive (Macintosh DISKDOUBLER) DDB - Bitmap Graphics file DDF - Btrieve or Xtrieve Data Definition File, which contains metadata describing a Btrieve or Xtrieve file DDI - Diskdupe diskette image DDI - Image File (DISKDUPE) DDIF - Digital Equipment or Compaq file. Used for storing images and their word processing documents DDP - Device Driver Profile (OS/2) DEB - Debian Package - instalační balíček distribuce Debian Linux DEB - Debug Script (DOS Debug) DEF - Assembly Header file (Geoworks) DEF - C++ definition file DEF - Define Module file (3-D Fassade Plus) DEF - SmartWare II data DEFI - Oracle 7 de-install script DEM - A file with USGS standards for Digital Elevation Models (Vista Pro) DEM - Demo her Duke 3D, Blood, Quake, Descent... DEM - Graphics file (Vista Pro) DEP - Visual Basic Setup Wizard Dependency file DER - Certificate file DEV - Speciální ovladač zařízení DEWF - Macintosh SoundCap/SoundEdit recorded instrument file DEX - Dalvik EXecutable (translated Dalvik bytecode) DEX - Executable for DexOS operating system (32-bit DOS-like) DEZ - Archiv ZIP šifrovaný DES DFD - Data Flow Diagram Graphic (Prosa) DFI - Outline Font description (Digifont) DFL - Default Program Settings (Signature) DFM - Data Flow Diagram model (Prosa) DFS - Sound File (Delight) DFV - Printing Form value (Microsoft Word) DG - Vektorový formát programu Auto-trol DGN - Vektorový formát programu MicroStation DGS - Diagnostics Report DH - Dependency Information file (Geoworks) DHP - Obrázek programu Dr. Halo DHT - Datafile (Gauss) DIA - Diagraph Graphics file (Computer Support Corporation) DIB - Device Independent Bitmap - bitmapový obrázek DIC - Slovník z programu pro kontrolu pravopisu DICM - Digital imaging and communications in medicine file (DICOM) DIF - ASCII soubor pro výměnu dat mezi tabulkovými procesory DIF - Database file (VisiCalc) DIF - Katalog programu MS Backup DIG - Digilink file DIG - Sound Designer I audio DIP - Graphics file DIR - Dialing Directory (ProComm Plus) DIR - Directory (VAX) (DEC) DIR - Macromedia Director file DIR - Movie (MacroMind Director 4.x) DIR - Soubor používaný při instalaci programů pro Windows 95 resp. Windows NT DIS - Distribution file (VAX Mail) DIS - Ray Tracer file DIS - Thesaurus file (CorelDraw) DIZ - Obvykle FILE_ID.DIZ, stručná informace o programu, či jeho výrobci DJP - Soubor obsahující font pro HP-DeskJet kompatibilní tiskárny DKB - Vektorový obrázek (Ray Traced DKBTrace) DL - Image DLD - Datafile (Lotus 1-2-3) DLG - C++ Dialogue Script DLL - Dynamická knihovna DLL - Export/Import Filter (CorelDraw) DLM - DJGPP Dynamic Link Module DLS - Downloadable sound DLS - Interactive music architecture (IMA, Microsoft, Blood2) DLS - Setup file (Norton DiskLock) DLZ - Archiv DIET DM2 - Demo v Quake II DMD - Visual dBASE data module DMF - Packed Amiga disk image DMF - Delusion's XTracker module format DMO - Demo file (Derive) DMP - Dump file (Screen or Memory) DMS - Compressed Archive (Amiga DISKMASHER) DOB - Visual Basic User document DOC - Dokument DisplayWrite DOC - Dokument FrameMaker/FrameBuilder DOC - Dokument Interleaf DOC - Dokument MS-Word DOC - Dokument WordStar DOC - Dokument WordPerfect DOG - Screen Saver file (Laughing Dog Screen Saver) DOH - Dependency Information file (Geoworks) DOS - External Command file (1st Reader) DOS - Network Driver file (PKT_DIS.dos) DOS - Text file (DOS) DOT - Line-Type definition (CorelDraw) DOT - Šablona dokumentů MS-Word DOX - Text file (MultiMate 4.x) DOX - User document binary form (Visual Basic) DOZ - Description out of Zip (VENDINFO) DP - Calendar file (Daily Planner) DP - Datafile (DataPhile) DPL - Borland Delphi 3 packed library DPR - Project header (Borland C++) DPT - Publication file (Publish-It!) DR9 - Directory file DRAW - Acorn's object-based vector image DRC - Design rules check report file (Orcad Schematic Capture) DRS - Display Resource file (WordPerfect for Windows) DRV - Ovladač zařízení DRW - Grafický soubor programu Corel Draw DRW - Lotus Freelance Image DRW - Pro/E drawing DRW - Vektorový formát programu Micrographx Designer DRY - Data Diáře (Atari Portfolio) DS4 - Micrografx Designer Image DS4 - Vector Graphics (Micrografx) DSC - Discard file (Oracle) DSD - Database file (DataShaper) DSF - Micrografx Designer v7.x file DSG - uložená pozice hry DOOM DSK - Driver file (Novell Netware) DSK - Project Desktop file (Borland C++/Turbo Pascal) DSK - RAW image diskety DSM - Digital Sound Module (DSI) DSM - Modul programu Dynamic SoundStudio DSM - Music module file (DSIK) DSN - ODBC Data source DSN - Design (Object System Designer) DSN - Schematic file (Orcad Schematic Capture) DSP - Display parameters (Signature) DSP - Graphics Display driver (Dr. Halo) DSP - Microsoft Developer Studio project DSQ - Corel QUERY DSR - Driver Resource (WordPerfect for Windows) DSR - Visual Basic Active designer file DSS - Digital Sound file (Digital Soup)) DSS - Screensaver file (DCC) DST - Definiční soubor tiskárny programu Text602 DST - Distribution file (PC-RDist, by Pyzzo) DST - Embroidery machines graphic file DSW - Desktop settings (Borland C++ 4.5) DSW - Microsoft Developer Studio workspace file DSX - Visual Basic Active designer binary file DT_ - Data file fork (Macintosh) DTA - Datafile (Turbo C++) DTA - World Bank's STARS data DTD - SGML Document Type Definition (DTD) file DTED - Digital terrain elevation data (geographic data format) DTF - Database file (PFS-Questions & Answers) DTF - Symantec Q&A relational database DTM - Modul programu DigiTrecker DTP - Desktop layout file (SecurDesk!/SecurDesk! LV) DTP - Template file (Pressworks) DTP - Text Document (Timeworks Publisher 3.x) DUN - Microsoft Dial-up Networking Export file DUP - Duplicate Backup DV - Digital video (MIME) DVC - Datafile (Lotus 1-2-3) DVF - Graphics file associated with camcorders (DV Studio) DVI - Binary file (TeX) DVI - Device Independent Document (TeX) (LaTeX) DVI - Intel Digital Video Interface - multimédia DVP - Device parameter file (AutoCAD) DVP - Konfigurační soubor programu DESQview DW2 - Drawing file (DesignCAD for Windows) DWC - Compressed Archive (DWC) DWD - DiamondWare sample (8/16 bit mono,stereo, až 44 Khz) DWF - Vector graphic (Autodesk) DWF - Drawing Web file (Microsoft WHIP autoCAD reader) DWG - Vektorový obrázek programu AutoCAD DWM - DiamondWare Music, podobný MIDI DWS - Workspace file (Dyadic) DX - Digital Electric Corporation (DEC) Data exchange file DXF - Drawing Interchange (eXchange) Format-text representation of the binary DWG format DXF - Data Exchange File DXN - Fax document (Fujitsu dexNet) DXR - Macromedia Director protected (not editable) movie file DYN - Datafile (Lotus 1-2-3) ============================================================================= E00 - Exchange file (Arc/Info) EBJ - Error Checking Object file (Geoworks) ED5 - EDMICS image ED6 - EDMICS image EDA - Ensoniq ASR disk image EDB - ROOTS3 Geneological data file * EDB - Windows Search database EDE - Ensoniq EPS disk image EDD - Element Definition document (FrameMaker+SGML documents) EDK - Ensoniq KT disk image EDQ - Ensoniq SQ1/SQ2/KS32 disk image EDS - Ensoniq SQ80 disk image EDT - Default settings (VAX Edt editor) EDT - Metasoubor programu Spicer Edit EDV - Ensoniq VFX-SD disk image EEB - Button Bar for Equation editor (WordPerfect for Windows) EFA - Ensoniq ASR file EFE - Ensoniq EPS file EFK - Ensoniq KT file EFQ - Ensoniq SQ1/SQ2/KS32 file EFS - Ensoniq SQ80 file EFT - High Resolution Screen Font (ChiWriter) EFV - Ensoniq VFX-SD file EFX - Fax Document (Everex EFax, Efax Reader) EGA - EGA Display font (Ventura Publisher) EL - Lisp Source code (eMacs) ELC - eMac Lisp Source code (byte-compiled) ELM - Theme-Pack file for (Microsoft FrontPage) ELT - Event List Text file (Prosa) EMB - Embedded bank File (Everest) EMD - ABT Extended MoDule EMF - MS Windows Enhanced MetaFile EML - E-mail formát Mozilla Messengeru, MS Outlook Express (MIME RFC 822) EMS - Enhanced Menu System Configuration file (PC Tools) EMU - Terminal Emulation Data file (BITCOM) ENC - Encoded file (UUENCODEd File, Lotus 1-2-3) ENC - Music file (Encore) ENC - Video file END - Arrow-Head Definition Table (CorelDraw) ENFF - Neutral Format ENG - Chart Graphics file (EnerGraphics) ENG - Dictionary Engine file (Sprint) ENV - Enveloper Macro (WOPR) ENV - Environment file (WordPerfect for Windows) EPD - Publication file (Express Publisher) EPHT - ML Enhanced Perl-parsed HTML EPI - Document file (Express Publisher) EPS - Datový soubor ve formátu Encapsulated PostScript (Adobe Illustrator) EPS - Printer font (Epson, Xerox, Ventura Publisher) EPS2 - Adobe Level II Encapsulated Postscript EPSF - Encapsulated PostScript EPSI - Adobe Encapsulated Postscript Interchange EQF - EQualizer File - nastavení ekvalizéru programu WinAmp EQN - Equation file (WordPerfect for Windows) ER1 - ERWin file ERD - Entity Relationship Diagram graphic file (Prosa) ERM - Entity Relationship Diagram Model file (Prosa) ERR - Soubor s výpisem chybových hlášení ERX - ERWin file ESH - Extended Shell Batch file (DOS) ESL - Distributable support library file (Visual FoxPro) ESPS - ESPS audio file ETH - Document file (Ethnograph 3.x) ETX - Structure Enhanced text (SetText) EUI - Ensoniq ESP family compacted disk image EVT - Event Log (Microsoft Windows NT, 2000) EVY - Document (WordPerfect for Windows Envoy) EWD - Text Document (Express Publisher for Windows) EWL - Microsoft Encarta document EXT2 - Second extended file system (Linux) EXT3 - Third extended file system (Linux) EX3 - Device Driver file (Harvard Graphics 3.x) EXC - Exclude file for Optimize (do not process, QEMM) EXC - Microsoft Word Exclusion Dictionary file EXC - Source Code file (Rexx VM/CMS) EXE - Spustitelný program (strojový kód s hlavičkou) EXP - Ovladač pro AutoCAD/3D Studio (grafické karty, myši...) EXP - Saved chat (ICQ) EXT - ASCII binary transfer file (WS_FTP PRO) (IPSWITCH Software) EXX - Součást aplikace WinBase602 (přeložený program) EZP - Compressed file ( (Edify Electronic Workforce Backup Utility) ============================================================================== F - FORTRAN file F - Compressed file archive (FREEZE) F01 - Fax document (Perfect Fax) F06 - Dos screen text font (height= 6 pixels) F07 - Dos screen text font (height= 7 pixels) F08 - Dos screen text font (height= 8 pixels) F09 - Dos screen text font (height= 9 pixels) F10 - Dos screen text font (height= 10 pixels) F11 - Dos screen text font (height= 11 pixels) F12 - Dos screen text font (height= 12 pixels) F13 - Dos screen text font (height= 13 pixels) F14 - Dos screen text font (height= 14 pixels) F15 - Dos screen text font (height= 15 pixels) F16 - Dos screen text font (height= 16 pixels) F2R - Linear music module (Farandole) F3R - Blocked music module (Farandole) F77 - Zdrojový kód programu v jazyce FORTRAN 77 F90 - FORTRAN file F96 - Fax document (Frecom FAX96) FAC - Face graphic FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions document FAR - Music module (MOD) (Farandole Composer) FAS - Basic module file (3-D Fassade Plus) FAV - Navigation bar (Microsoft Outlook) FAX - Soubor obsahující fax FBK - Backup (Navison Financials) FBM - Fuzzy PixMap FBM - bitmapový obrázek FC - Spell Check dictionary file (Harvard Graphics) FC14 - Amiga Future Composer music module file FCD - Virtual CD-ROM file FCM - Binary file patch (Forward Compression) FD - Declaration file (FORTRAN) FD - Field offsets for compiler (DataFlex) FDB - Database (Navison Financials) FDF - Formát dokumentu programu Adobe Acrobat Reader FDW - Document form (F3 Design and Mapping) FEB - Button Bar for Figure Editor (WordPerfect for Windows) FEM - CADRE Finite Element Mesh FF - Outline Font description (AGFA CompuGraphics) FFA - MS find fast file FFF - Fax document (defFax) FFF - GUS PnP bank file FFL - MS fast find file FFL - Image file (PrintMaster Gold) FFO - MS fast find file FFT - Final Form Text (part of IBM's DCA) FFT - MS Office/FastFind indexový soubor FFX - MS fast find file FH3 - Aldus Freehand 3 drawing (Vector graphic) FH4 - Aldus Freehand 4 drawing (Vector graphic) FI - File Interface (FORTRAN) FIF - Fractal Image Format - bitmapový obrázek s fraktálovou kompresí FIG - REND386/AVRIL file FII - Animace flic II. FIL - Datový soubor WinBase602 FIL - File List Object (dBase Application Generator) FIL - File template (Application Generator) FIL - Overlay (WordPerfect for Windows) FIL - Speciálně soubor MIRROR.FIL - obraz disku vytvořený programem mirror/DOS format FIN - Print formatted text (Perfect Writer) FIT - File index table (Microsoft Windows NT) FIT - Graphic (FITS) FITS - CCD camera image FITS - Flexible Image Transport System file FIX - Patch file (Generic) FKY - Macro (MS FoxPro) FLA - Animace Macromedia Flash FLAC - Bezeztrátově komprimovaný hudební PCM soubor (FLAC) FLB - Format library (Papyrus) FLC - FLIC animation, 8 bit color (AutoDesk) FLD - Field define module file (3-D Fassade Plus) FLD - File folder (Charisma) FLF - Delived form (Corel Paradox) FLF - License (Navison Financials) FLH - FLIC animace, 16 bit color (AutoDesk) FLI - FLIC animace (AutoDesk) FLI - Font library (EmTeX) FLF - Driver (OS/2) FLL - Distributable dynamic link library - DLL (Visual FoxPro) FLM - Film Roll (AutoCAD) FLO - FlowCharter file (MicroGrafx) FLS - Filelist document (Farrukh Imposition Publisher) FLT - Filter (Corel) FLT - Filter (Micrografx Picture Publisher) FLT - Graphics filter (Microsoft) FLT - Graphics filter support file (Asymetrix ToolBook) FLT - Music module (MOD) (StarTrekker) FLT - Open Flight file (MulitGen) FLV - FLash Video file - animace+zvuk FLX - Compiled binary file (DataFlex) FLX - FLIC animace, až 16 bit color FM - FrameMaker Document (Adobe) FM - Spreadsheet (FileMaker Pro) FM1 - Spreadsheet (Lotus 1-2-3, version 2.x) FM3 - Device driver (Harvard Graphics, version 3.0) FM3 - Spreadsheet (Lotus 1-2-3, version 3.x) FMB - Binary source code for form, (Oracle, v4.x and later) FMB - File Manager button bar (WordPerfect for Windows) FMC - Faust Modul FMF - Font or Icon (IBM LinkWay) FMK - MakeFile (FORTRAN PowerStation) FML - Mirror list (Oracle) FMO - Compiled format (dBase IV) FMP - Document file (FileMaker Pro) FMT - Csreen format file (Visual FoxPro) FMT - Formulář programu dBASE III FMT - Print file (Microsoft Schedule+) FMT - Style sheet (Sprint) FMT - Text format for form file (Oracle, v4.x and later) FMX - Executable form, (Oracle,v4.x and later) FN3 - Font (Harvard Graphics) FND - Saved Search (Find applet) (Microsoft Explorer) FNG - Font group (Font Navigator) FNK - Module (FunkTracker) FNT - Rastrový font FNX - Inactive font (Exact) FO1 - Font (Borland Turbo C) FO2 - Font (Borland Turbo C) FOG - Fontographer font FOL - Saved message folder (1st Reader) FON - Call log (Procomm Plus) FON - Dialing directory (Telix) FON - Rastrový font FOR - Form (WindowBase) FOR - Zdrojový kód programu v jazyce FORTRAN (nebo vtip) FOT - Konfigurační soubor TrueType fontu FOX - Databázový soubor vytvořený programem FoxBASE FP - Configuration file (FoxPro) FP - FileMaker Pro file FP1 - "Flying Pigs" screensaver datafile (Microsoft Windows 9.x) FP3 - FileMaker Pro v.3 & 4 document file FP5 - Document file (FileMaker Pro v.5) FPC - Catalog file (FoxPro) FPT - FileMaker Pro file FPT - Memo fields (FoxPro) FPW - Floorplan drawing (FloorPlan Plus for Windows) FPX - Bitmap (FlashPix) FR3 - Renamed dBaseIII+ form (dBase IV) FRF - Font (FontMonger) FRG - Uncompiled report (dBase IV) FRK - Zip (compressed ) file (Macintosh) FRM - Document (FrameMaker or FrameBuilder) FRM - Executable file (Oracle v3.0 and earlier) FRM - Formulář datového souboru programu K602 FRM - Formulář Visual Basic FRM - Merge form (WordPerfect for Windows) FRM - Symbol Report (DataCAD) FRO - Compiled report (dBase IV) FRP - Form (PerForm PRO Plus) FRS - Screen Font Resource (WordPerfect for Windows) FRT - Report menu (FoxPro) FRX - Form stash file (Visual Basic) FRX - Report (FoxPro) FSF - FPrint Audit Tool FSL - Formulář databáze Paradox FSM - Sample file (Farandoyle) FST - Linkable program (dBFast) FSX - Data (Lotus 1-2-3) FT - Full text index (Lotus Notes) FTB - Index file (Roots3) FTF - Client access data specification file (AS/400) (Client to Server) FTG - Součást souboru s nápovědou pro MS Windows (full-text vyhledávání) FTI - Flexible Image Transport System - bitmapy, text, matice, bin. tabulky FTM - Font (MicroGrafx) FTM - Zvukový modul FamiTracker FTP - File transfer protocol (Internet Generic) FTS - Součást souboru s nápovědou pro MS Windows (full-text index) FTW - Document file (Family Tree Maker) FUJ - Strašně hnusnej soubor ;-) FUL - Katalogový soubor vytvořený programem MS Backup FW - Database (Framework II) FW2 - Database (Framework II) FW3 - Database (Framework III) FW4 - Database (Framework IV) FWB - Data file backup for file splitting configuration (FileWrangler) FWS - Data file for file splitting configuration (FileWrangler) FX - On-Line guide (FastLynx) FX? - Datový soubor pro program WinFax/WinFax Pro FXD - Phonebook (FAXit) FXP - Compiled source code (FoxPro) FXS - Fax Transmit graphic (WinFax) FZB - Bank dump file (Casio FZ-1) FZF - Full dump file (Casio FZ-1) FZV - Voice dump file (Casio FZ-1) ============================================================================== G - Data chart (APPLAUSE)GAL Album (Corel Multimedia Manager) G721 - Raw CCITT G.721 ADPCM data G723 - Raw CCITT G.723 3 or 5bit ADPCM data G8 - Raw Graphics (one byte per pixel) Plane III (PicLab) GAM - Fax document (GammaFax) GB - Emulator ROM image file (Nintendo GameBoy) GBC - Color emulator ROM image file (Nintendo GameBoy) GBL - Global definitions (VAXTPU Editor) GC1 - Lisp source code (Golden Common Lisp 1.1) GC3 - Lisp source code (Golden Common Lisp 1.1) GCD - Generic (TM) CADD drawing (later versions) GCF - Game Cache File (Valve Steam application binary package) GCP - Image processing file (Ground Control Point) GDB - Database file (InterBase) GDF - Dictionary file (GEOS) GDI - Metasoubor programu GEM GDM - "Bells,Whistles and Sound Boards" mezinárodní modulový formát GED - Genealogical data (GEDCOM) GED - Graphic Environment Document (drawing) GED - Graphics editor file (EnerGraphics) GED - Graphics editor native format (Arts & Letters) GEM - Metasoubor programu GEM GEM - Vector graphics (Ventura Publisher) GEN - Generated text (Ventura Publisher) GEN - Compiled template (dBase Application Generator) GEO - Geode (Geoworks) GETRIGHT - Unfinished-Download (GetRight) GEX - GUI Executable for DexOS operating system (32-bit DOS-like) GFB - Compressed gif image (GIFBLAST) GFC - Patton&Patton Flowcharting 4 flowchart GFI - Graphics Link presentation (Genigraphics) GFT - Font (NeoPaint) GFX - Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation GIB - Chart (Graph-in-the-Box) GID - Soubor s informacemi o poštovním úřadu v Mail602 GID - Součást nápovědoy MS Windows (globalní index) GIF - Komprimovaný (LZW) bitmapový obrázek (až 8 bit), může být animovaný GIM - Graphics Link presentation (Genigraphics) GIN - Soubor s informacemi o poštovním úřadu v Mail602 GIW - Presentation (Graph-in-the-Box for Windows) GIX - Graphics Link presentation (Genigraphics) GKH - Ensoniq EPS family disk image GKS - GripKey document (Gravis) GL - Animation file (GRASP graphical System for Presentation) GLM - Datafile (Glim) GLS - Datafile (Across) GLY - Glossary (Microsoft Word) GMF - CGM Graphics (APPLAUSE) GMP - Tile map (Geomorph) (SPX) GMR - Graphical monitor record (Schlafhorst Automation) GNA - Graphics Link presentation (Genigraphics) GNO - Genealogy document file (Genopro) GNT - Generated executable code (Micro Focus) GNX - Graphics Link presentation (Genigraphics) GOC - Goc sorce code (Geoworks) GOH - Goc header (Geoworks) GP - Geode parameter file (Geoworks Glue) GPH - Graph (Lotus 1-2-3/G) GPK - Program package (Omnigo) GPP - Graph paper application file (GraphPap) (Generates graph paper) GR2 - Screen driver (Microsoft Windows 3.x) GRA - Graph (Microsoft) GRA - Datafile (SigmaPlot) GRB - Gerber formát výstupu pro fotoplotter (OrCAD) GRB - Shell Monitor (MS-DOS v5.0) GRD - Image processing grid (CHIPS) GRF - Grapher (Golden Software) graph GRF - Graph (Charisma Graph Plus) GRP - Pictures group (PixBase) GRP - Soubor skupin programů MS Windows 3.x GRY - Raw graphic (GREY) GS1 - Presentation (GraphShow) GSD - Vector graphic (Professional Draw) GSM - Audio stream Raw GSM (6.10 audio stream) GSM - GSM w.o. header/VoiceGuide/RapidComm file (US Robotics voice modems) GSM - GSM w. header/QuickLink file (US Robotics voice modems) GSP - Sketch pad file (GeoMeter Sketch Pad) GSP - Zip file (Gnuzip) (Allows for output to html) GSW - Worksheet (GraphShow) GT2 - Music module (Graoumftracker) (new) (MOD) GTK - Music module (Graoumftracker) (old) (MOD) GUP - Data (PopMail) GWP - Greetings WorkShop file GWX - Graphics Link presentation (Genigraphics) GWZ - Graphics Link presentation (Genigraphics) GX1 - Grafický soubor GXL Graphics library (Genus) GXL - Grafický soubor Graphics library (Genus) GZ - Compressed file/archive GZIP (Deflate) GZ_ - Soubory CD ochrany CD-Cops ============================================================================== H - Hlavičkový soubor - součást zdrojového textu programu v jazyce C H! - On-line Help (Flambeaux Help!) H++ - Hlavičkový soubor - součást zdrojového textu programu v jazyce C++ H-- - Hlavičkový soubor - součást zdrojového textu programu v jazyce Sphinx C-- HA - Compressed archive (HA) HAM - Driver file (Novell Netware) HAM - Vector graphics saved file (Amiga) HAP - Compressed archive (HA) HBK - Accounting data file (Humanic Software) HBK - Handbook (MathCad) HCM - Configuration file (IBM HCM) HCOM - Sound Tools file (HCOM) HCR - Production configuration file (IBM HCD/HCM) HDF - Help file (Help development kit) HDF - National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) Geospatial Hierarchical Data HDL - Alternate download listing (ProComm Plus) HDR - Database header (Pc-File+) HDR - Datafile (Egret) HDR - Message header text (1st Reader) HDR - Message header text (ProComm Plus) HDW - Vector graphics (Harvard Draw) HDX - Help index (AutoCAD) HDX - Help index (Zortech C++) HED - Document (HighEdit) HEL - Hellbender saved game (Microsoft) HEM - HIEW External Module (plug-in pro Hacker's view) HEX - Soubor programu/data v hexadecimálním textovém formátu HFI - HP font info (GEM) HGL - HP Graphics Language, vektorový obrázek HH - Help system map (Generic) HH - Hlavičkový soubor - součást zdrojového textu programu v jazyce C++ HHH - Precompiled header (Power C) HHP - Help information for remote users (ProComm Plus) HGL - Soubor s příkazy jazyka HPGLHIT Audio file (HitPlayer) HLB - Help library (VAX) HLP - Soubor nápovědy HMI - Human machine interfaces MIDI music file (Descent) HMM - Alternate mail read option menu (ProComm Plus) HMP - Human machine interfaces MIDI music file (Descent) HNC - Program files (CNC) HOG - Lucas Arts Dark Forces WAD file HOG - Main data package file (Descent3) HOG - Mission file (Descent 1-2) HOT - Document file (HotSend) HP8 - Ascii text Roman8 character set (NewWave Write) HPC - Font language file (Hewlett-Packard) HPF - Partial download file (HotLine) HPF - Soubor obsahující font pro tiskárny HP/PCL HPG - Soubor s příkazy jazyka HPGL (pro plotter) HPI - Font information (GEM) HPJ - Help Project file (Visual Basic) HPK - Compressed archive (HPACK) HPM - Alternative menu for privileged users (ProComm Plus) HPM - Emm text (HP NewWave) HPP - Program header (C++) HPP Header file (Zortech C++) HQX - Binární soubor vytvořený na počítači Macintosh HRF - Bitmapový obrázek Hitachi Raster HRM - Alternate menu for limited users (ProComm Plus) HS2 - Monochrome image (Postering) HSC - FM synthesized music file (Used by many old games, e.g.:FINTRIS, ROL) HSI - Graphic (Handmade Software, Inc.) HST - Soubor historie HT - HyperTerminal file HTA - A HTML file that has been used to by viruses to update the system registry HTM - A Web page (a file containing Hypertext Markup Language - HTML - markup) HTML - A Web page (a file containing Hypertext Markup Language - HTML - markup) HTT - Hypertext template (Microsoft) HTX - Template (Extended HTML) HWD - Presentation (Hollywood) HWP - Korean word processor document format (HanGul) HXM - Alternate protocal selection menu (ProComm Plus) HXM - HAM extension (Descent2) HXX - Hlavičkový soubor - součást zdrojového textu programu v jazyce C++ HY1 - Hyphenation algorythm (Ventura Publisher) HY2 - Hyphenation algorythm (Ventura Publisher) HYC - Datafile (WordPerfect for Windows) HYD - Hyphenation dictionary (WordPerfect for Windows) HYM - 3D Image binary file (Hymarc Scandata Scanner) HYP - Compressed archive (HYPER) ============================================================================== I - Intermediate file (Borland C++) IAN - Text file (Sterling Software) (Groundworks COOL Business Team Model) IAX - Bitmap (IBM Image Acess eXecutive) IBF - Databázový soubor (InBase File) IBM - Archiv ARCHDOS (IBM Internal only) IBT - soubor s memo položkami (InBase Memo Text) IBP - soubor s obrazovými položkami (InBase Picture) ICB - Targa bitmap ICC - Catalog file (IronClad) ICC - Printer file (Kodak) ICD - Drawing file (IronClad) ICE - Archiv LHice ICF - Soubor s nadefinovanými výpočty (InBase Calc File) ICL - Icon Library (Generic industry standard) ICM - Image Color Matching profile ICN - Icon source code ICO - Ikona MS Windows ICS - Scene file (IronClad) ICW - Seznam států, telefonů programu Internet Connection Wizard ID - Disk identification file (Generic) IDB - Intermediate file (Microsoft Developer) IDD - MIDI Instrument Definition IDE - Project file (Borland C++ v4.5) IDF - definice MIDI nástroje IDIF - Identification file (Netscape saved address book) IDQ - Data Query (Internet) IDW - Vector graphic (IntelliDraw) IDX - Indexový soubor (Pro/Engineer, MS Clip Gallery v. 1.x) IDX - Indexový soubor k databázovému souboru (FoxPro, Symantec Q&A) IDX - Microsoft Outlook Express file IEF - Soubor s nadefinovaným výrazem (InBase Expression File) IFD - Form (JetForm Design) IFF - Amiga - grafika, zvuk IFF - Grafický soubor vytvořený programem Deluxe Paint II IFF - Image (Sun TAAC/SDSC Image Tool) IFF - Interchange file, (general purpose data storage format)) IFF - Soubor s předlohou formuláře (InBase Form File) IFO - Graphic object layer data (ImageForge Pro) IFO - Soubor nabídky a informací o audio/video souborech na disku DVD IFP - Script file (KnowledgeMan) IFS - Compressed fractal image (Yuvpak) IFS - Create executable library (ImageForge/ImageForge Pro) IFS - System file (OS/2) IGES - Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (Generic) IGF - Metafile (Inset Systems) IGS - Initial Graphics Exchange Specification IGES (obdoba DXF pro velké CADy) IIF - Interchange file (QuickBooks for Windows) IIM - Music module ILB - Datafile (Scream Tracker) ILB - Grafický formát ILBM - Bitmap (graphic image) ILK - Program outline (Microsoft ILink incremental linker) ILF - soubor s předlohou etiket (InBase Label File) IM8 - Raster graphic (Sun Microsystems) IMA - Image soubor diskety IMA - Vector graphic (EGO,Chart) IMF - soubor s datovým modelem(InBase Model File) IMF - MIDI music file (Corridor 7, Blake Stone, Wolfenstein 3D, Spear of Destiny) IMG - Bitmap graphic (Ventura Publisher) IMG - GEM Raster - bitmapový obrázek IMG - Image soubor diskety programu HD-COPY IMP - Spreadsheet (Lotus Improv) IMQ - Image presentation (ImageQ) IMS - Create executable library data (IconForge) IMZ - Komprimovaný image soubor diskety (WinImage) IN3 - Input device driver (Harvard Graphics v3.0) IN$ - Installation file (HP NewWave) INB - Test script (Vermont High Test) INC - Include file (Assembler language or Active Server) INC - Záložní soubor vytvořený programem MS Backup IND - Index (dBase IV) IND - Shared Database file (Specifically in Microsoft Windows) INF - INFormační soubor pro Windows (seznam ovladačů, programů...) INF - Type I LaserJet font information file INF - Install script (Generic) INI - Bank setup file (Gravis UltraSound) INI - Konfigurační soubor programů Windows INI - Setup file (MWave DSP synth's mwsynth.ini GM) INK - Pantone reference fills file (CorelDRAW) INL - Inline function file (Microsoft Visual C++) INP - Source code for form, (Oracle,version 3.0 and earlier) INRS - INRS-Telecommunications audio INS - Datafile (WordPerfect for Windows) INS - Instalační skript INS - Instrument file (Ensoniq EPS Family) INS - Instrument music file (Adlib) INS - Sample (Cell/II MAC/PC instruments) INS - Sign-up file (X-Internet) INT - Interfaced units (Borland) INT - Intermediate executable code (Produced when a source program is syntax-checked) INX - Indexový soubor databáze Foxbase IO - Archiv CPIO IOB - 3D graphics database (TDDD format) IOB - Vektorový obrázek programu Imagineer IOC - Organizational chart (Instant ORGcharting!) IOF - Findit document (Microsoft Findit) ION - File description (4dos descript.ion) IPL - Pantone Spot reference pallette (CorelDRAW) IPS - International patching system binary patch file IQY - Internet inquiry (Microsoft) IRS - Resource file (WordPerfect for Windows) IRF - soubor s předlohou sestavy (InBase Report File) ISD - Spell checker dictionary (RapidFile) ISH - archiv ISH ISO - ISO 9660 (+Joliet/RK) CD/DVD image ISP - Sign-up file (X-Internet) IST - Instrument file (Digitaltracker) ISU - Odinstalační informace (InstallShield) IT - Impulse Tracker Modul IT - Settings file (intalk) ITF - Interface file (JPI Pascal TopSpeed) ITI - Instrument file (Impulse Tracker) ITS - Internet document set (possibly a Microsoft file) ITS - Sample file (Impulse Tracker) IV - Open Inventor file IVD - Microdata dimension or variable-level file (Beyond 20/20) IVF - soubor s předlohou pohledu (InBase View File) IVP - User subset profile (Beyond 20/20) IVT - Table or aggregate data (Beyond 20/20) IVX - Microdata directory (Beyond 20/20) IW - Presentation flowchart (IconAuthor-HSC Interactive) IW - Screensaver (Idlewild) IWA - Text file (IBM Writing Assistant) IWC - Install Watch document IWM - Start file (IconAuthor) IWP - Text file (Wang) IZT - Binary token file (IZT) ============================================================================== J62 - Ricoh camera file JAD - Java Application Descriptor (text file) JAR - Java ARchive (a compressed file for applets and related files) JAS - Graphic (Generic) JAVA - Source code (Java) JBD - Datafile (SigmaScan) JBF - Soubor pro PaintShop Pro Browser (thumbnails) JBX - Project file (Project Scheduler 4.0) JDBG - Embedded JCL Debug Info (komprimovaný MAP soubor) JFF - JPEG image JIF - JPEG komprimovaný bitmapový obrázek (8/24 bit) JFIF - JPEG komprimovaný bitmapový obrázek (8/24 bit) JMP - Discovery chart-to-statistics (SAS JMP) JN1 - Jill of the Jungle data (Epic MegaGames) JNB - Workbook file (Sigma Plot 5) JOB - Vector graphics file created by conversion of a IMG file (QuestVision) JOR - Journal (Microsoft SQL Server) JOU - Journal backup (VAX Edt editor) JPC - Graphic (Japan PIC) JPG - JPEG Komprimovaný bitmapový obrázek (8/24 bit) JPEG - JPEG Komprimovaný bitmapový obrázek (8/24 bit) JS - JavaScript (zdrojový soubor) JSD - Jet Suite document (eFAX) JSP - A HTML page containing a reference to a Java servlet JTF - Bitmap graphic (JPEG Tagged Interchange Format) JTF - Fax document (Hayes JT Fax) JTF - JPEG bitmap JTK - Java ToolKit file (Sun Microsystems) JW - Text document (JustWrite) JWL - Library (JustWrite) JZZ - Spreadsheet (Jazz) ============================================================================== K25 - Sample file (Kurzweil 2500) KA3 - Datový soubor záznamníku v programu M602 (od verze 3.00) KAR - MIDI file (text+MIDI) (Karaoke) KB - Keyboard script (Borland C++ 4.5) KB - Program source code (Knowledge Pro) KBD - Keyboard mapping script (Procomm Plus, LocoScript, Signature) KBM - Keyboard mapping script (Reflection 4.0) KCL - Lisp source code (Kyoto Common Lisp) KDC - Kodak Digital Camera - rastrový obrázek KEX - Macro (KEDIT) KEY - Datafile (Forecast Pro) KEY - Icon toolbar (DataCAD) KEY - Klávesové makro KEY - Security file (Such as a software registration number) KFX - Image (KoFax Group 4) KGB - Archive file (extreme (PAQ) compression, WinNT-GUI only) KIZ - Digital postcard (Kodak) KKW - Contains all K-keywords in the RoboHELP Help project Index Designer not associated with topics KLA - Nastavení klávesnice editoru MAT KMP - KeyMaP (Korg Trinity) KPP - Toolpad (SmartPad) KPS - Bitmap graphic (IBM KIPS) KQP - Native Camera file (Konica) KR1 - Sample (multi-floppy) file (Kurzweil 2000) KRZ - Sample file (Kurzweil 2000) KSF - Sample File (Korg Trinity) KYB - Keyboard mapping (FTP) KYE - Game data (Kye) ============================================================================== L - Source code (Lex) L - Source code (Lisp) L - Linker directive file (WATCOM wlink) LAB - Datafile (NCSS-SOLO) LAB - Label file (Visual dBase) LAB - Mailing labels (Microsoft Excel) LAN - LANguage soubor-hlášky, dialogy. LAN - Loadable module (LAN DLL) (NetWare) LAY - Clipart file (Printmaster Gold) LAY - Word Chart layout (APPLAUSE) LBG - Label generator data (dBase IV) LBL - Label (dBase IV, dBFast, Clipper 5) LBM - Linear Bitmap graphics (XLib) LBM - Obrázek programu Deluxe Paint (2 Verze) LBO - Compiled label (dBase IV) LBR - Compressed archive (LU) LBR - Display driver (Lotus 1-2-3) LBR - Knihovna součástek programu Eagle LBT - Labels (Microsoft FoxPro) LBX - Labels (Microsoft FoxPro) LC - Linear executable Compressed (DOS/32A Extender, compressed with "SC") LCF - Linker control file (Norton Guides compiler) LCH - Used in a program (unknown) that monitors a network's response time LCK - Lockfile (Paradox) LCL - Datafile (FTP) LCN - Lection document (WordPerfect for Windows) LCS - Data History file (ACT!) LCW - Spreadsheet (Lucid 3-D) LD - Long distance area codes file (Telix) LD1 - Overlay file (dBase) LDB - Lock file (Microsoft Access) LDF - Library definition file (Geoworks Glue) LDIF - Structured text file used for sharing information between E-Mail clients (Microsoft, Netscape and others) LDL - Library (Corel Paradox) LE - Linear Executable (OS/2 (obsolete), "WATCOM" DOS extenders like DOS/32A) LEG - Legacy document LES - System game profiles (same as REG file) (Logitec Entertainment) LEV - Level file (NetHack 3.x) LEX - Slovník LFD - Data resource file (LucasArts Dark Forces) LFP - LaserForms Plus file (Evergreen) LFT - Laser printer font (ChiWriter) LFT - Loft programu 3D Studio (obsahuje shape a popis jak z něj vytvořit 3D) LG - Logo procedure definition (LSRHS Logo) LGC - Application log file LGD - Application log file LGO - Header and footer logo (SuperFax) LGO - Logo file (PaintBrush) LGO - Startup logo (Microsoft Windows 3.x-9.x) LHA - Archiv LHA/LHARC/Amiga LHWARP LIB - Knihovna (všeho možného) LIF - Compressed archive (Generic) LIF - Logical Interchange data (Hewlett-Packard) LIM - Archiv LIMIT LIN - Interactive music sequencing data file (Electronic Arts) LIN - Line type file (DataCad) LIS - Output file produced by a Structured Query Reporting (SQR) program LIS - Listing (VAX) LIX - Logos library system file LJ - Text file (Hewlett-Packard LaseJet II printer) LK - Database file (OpenSight-16 bit) LKO - Linked object (Microsoft Outlook Express Junkmail file) LL3 - Document file (LapLink III) LLX - Exchange agent (Laplink) LNG - LaNGuage soubor-hlášky, dialogy. LNK - Datafile (Revelation) LNK - Linker response file (RTLink) LNK - Zástupce programu pro Windows 95/NT (informace o cestě k pgm, ikona...) LOD - Load file (Generic) LOG - Log file (Generic) LOK - Compressed file (FileWrangler) LP - A document reader used for downloading mortgage closing information (DesertDocs) LPC - Printer driver (TEKO) LPD - Helix Nuts and Bolts file LPI - Information file for laser printers (common with some scanning sofware) LRC - Video phone file (Intel) LRF - Linker response file (Microsoft C/C++) LRS - Language resource file (WordPerfect for Windows) LSF - Logos library system file LSL - Saved library (Corel Paradox) LSL - Script library (Lotus) LSP - AutoLISP, CommonLISP, and other LISP language files LSS - Spreadsheet (Legato) LST - Keyboard macro (1st Reader) LST - Spool file (Oracle) LST - Výpis programu vytvořený překladačem LTM - Form (Lotus Forms) LU - Library unit file (ThoughtWing) LVL - Miner Descent/D2 Level extension (Parallax Software) LWD - Text document (LotusWorks) LWF - Wavelet graphics file (Luratech) LWLO - Layered Object file (Lightwave) LWO - LightWave Object - vektorový obrázek LWOB - LightWave Object - vektorový obrázek LWP - Wordpro 96/97 file (Lotus) LWS - LightWave Scene LWSC - LightWave Scene LWZ - Linguistically enhanced sound file (Microsoft) LX - Linear eXecutable (OS/2, "WATCOM" DOS extenders like DOS/32A) LYR - Layer file (DataCAD) LZD - Difference file for binaries (Ldiff 1.20) LZH - Archiv LHA/LHARC LZS - Archiv LARC LZS - Data file (Skyroads) LZW - Archiv Amiga LHWARP LZX - Compressed archive (Generic) ============================================================================== M - Standard package (Mathematica) M - Zdrojovvý kód-skript programu Matlab M11 - Text file (MASS11) M1V - MPEG-related file (MIME type 'mpeg') M3 - Source code file (Modula 3) M3D - 3D animation (Corel Motion) M3U - Playlist programu WinAmp M4 - M4 Preprocessor file (UNIX) M_U - Hard Drive Boot sector backup (MazeGold) MA3 - Macro (Harvard Graphics 3.0) MAC - Grafický soubor programu MacPaint, nebo záznam makra MAC - Macro (Generic) MAD - Module (Microsoft Access) MAF - Form (Microsoft Access) MAG - FileMagic Raster - bitmapový obrázek MAG - MAG graphics format created by Woody Lynn (MPS Magro Paint System) MAGI - C Configuration file (Magic Mail Monitor) MAI - Mail (VAX) MAK - Makefile (Generic) MAK - Project (Visual Basic or Microsoft C++) MAM - Macro (Microsoft Access) MAN - Command module (UNIX) MAN - Manual page output (UNIX) MAP - Barevná paleta MAP - Format data (Micrografx Picture Publisher) MAP - Level mapa pro Doom, Duke 3D, Quake MAP - Linker map file MAP - Map file (Atlas MapMaker) MAP - Map file used for color choices (Pro/Engineer) MAP - Network map (AccView) MAQ - Query (Microsoft Access) MAR - Assembly program (VAX Macro) MAR - Report (Microsoft Access) MAS - Graphics file (Lotus Freelance Smartmaster) MAT - Matlab sample (datový binární soubor) MAT - Table (Microsoft Access) MAT - Textový dokument editoru MAT MAUD - Sample format (Maud) MAX - Document (Paperport) MAX - Layout file (OrCAD) MAX - Source code (MAX) MAX - Vektorový obrázek programu 3D Studio MAX MAZ - A format use by Division's dVS/dVISE MAZ - Maze data file (Hover) MB - Memo field values for database (Paradox) MB1 - Data file (Apogee Monster Bash) MBK - Multiple index archive (dBase IV) MBOX - Mailbox file (Berkeley UNIX) MBX - Extension Microsoft Outlook adds to saved email, Eudora mailboxes MCC - Calling card (Dialer10) MCC - Configuration file (MathCad) MCD - Document (MathCad) MCF - Font file (MathCad) MCF - Magic control file MCI - Command script (Media Control Interface) MCP - Application script (Capsule) MCP - Printer driver (MathCad) MCP - Project file (Metrowerks CodeWarrior) MCR - Keyboard macro file (DataCad) MCW - Document (Microsoft Word for Macintosh) MCW - Text document (MacWrite II) MD - Compressed archive (MDCD) MD2 - Vektorový model Quake II MDA - Add-in file (Microsoft Access) MDA - Workgroup (Microsoft Access version 2) MDB - Databázový soubor programu MS-Access MDE - MDE file (Microsoft Access) MDF - MagicISO CD/DVD image MDL - Modul programu DigiTrakker 2.x/3.x MDL - Model (3D Design Plus, Quake, Half-Life) MDL - Model file element (Rational Rose) MDL - Spreadsheet (CA-Compete!) MDM - Modem definition (Telix) MDN - Blank database template (Microsoft Access) MDS - MagicISO CD/DVD image descriptor MDT - Data table (Microsoft ILink incremental linker) MDT - Add-in file (Data) (Microsoft Access) MDW - Workgroup (Microsoft Access) MDX - Multiple index file (dBase IV) MDZ - Wizard template (Microsoft Access) ME - Obvykle soubor READ.ME - informace o programu, či jeho výrobci MEB - Macro editor bottom overflow library (WordPerfect for Windows) MED - Amiga modul (OctaMed Music Editor) MED - Macro editor delete save file (WordPerfect for Windows) MEM - Macro editor macro (WordPerfect for Windows) MEM - Memory variable save file (Clipper, dBase IV, FoxPro) MEQ - Macro editor print queue file (WordPerfect for Windows Library) MER - Format for interchanging spreadsheet/database data; recognized by Filemaker, Excel, and others MER - Macro editor resident area (WordPerfect for Windows Library) MES - Macro editor workspace file (WordPerfect for Windows) MES - Message file (Generic) MET - Document file (OmniPage Pro) MET - Macro editor top overflow file (WordPerfect for Windows Library) MET - Presentation Manager Metafile - metasoubor MEU - Menu group (DOS Shell) MEX - Executable command (Matlab) MEX - Macro editor expound file (WordPerfect for Windows) MF - Metafont text file MFG - Manufacturing file (Pro/ENGINEER) MGF - A file in a Materials and Geometry Format MGF - Font file (MicroGrafx) MHT - MHTML document (Microsoft) MHTM - MHTML document (MIME) MHTML- MHTML document (MIME) MI - Data file (Cocreate ME10) MI - Miscellaneous file (Generic) MIC - Image Composer file (Microsoft) MID - Zvukový soubor MIDI (notový zápis) MIF - Bitmapový obrázek, podobný formátu GIF MIFF - Machine Independent File (Generic) MII - Datafile (MicroStat-II) MIM - Soubor ve formátu MIME (součást poštovní zásilky) MIME - Soubor ve formátu MIME (součást poštovní zásilky) MIX - Object file (Power C) MIX - Package file (Command & Conquer) MIX - Picture file (MS PhotoDraw 2000, Picture-It!) MIX - Resource archive (Westwood Studios) MJF - Audio file similar to MP3 (Mjuice) (Opens with WinAmp) MK - Makefile (Generic) MKE - Makefile (Microsoft Windows SDK) MKI - Graphic Image (MagView 5.0) (Japanese) MKS - Datafile (TACT) ML3 - Project file (Milestones 3.x) MLB - Macro library (Symphony) MLI - Materiálová knihovna programu 3D Studio (do verze 4) MLID - Muliple link interface driver file (Generic) MLM - Groupwise email file (Novell Groupwise) MM - Midas mezinárodní modulový formát MM - Text file (MultiMate Advantage II) MMC - Catalog file (Microsoft Clip Gallery 5.x) MME - Soubor ve formátu MIME (součást poštovní zásilky) MMF - Mail message file (Microsoft Mail) MMF - Meal Master Format, a recipe catologing format MMG - Beyond 20/20 table or aggregate data file MML - Bulk mail file (Created by MyMailList) MMM - Multimedia movie (Microsoft, MacroMind Director 3.x) MMO - Memo Writer file (RapidFile) MMP - MindManager file (MindMapor) MMP - Output video (Bravado) MN2 - Mission file (Descent2) MN3 - Mission file (Descent3) MND - Mandelbrot for Windows MND - Menu source (AutoCAD Menu Compiler) MNE - Obvykle soubor CTI.MNE - informace o programu, či jeho výrobci MNG - Animace programu Animation Shop MNG - Map (DeLorme Map'n'Go) MNG - Multi-image Network Graphics MNI - Mandelbrot for Windows MNT - Menu file (FoxPro) MNU - Advanced macro (HP NewWave) MNU - Interact menu (Intertal Systems) MNU - Menu programu AutoCAD, WinBase602, Visual dBase, FoxPro, DN, M602, NC, VC MNX - Přeložené menu programu AutoCAD MNY - Account book (Microsoft Money) MOB - Device definition (PEN for Windows) MOD - FastTracker, StarTrekker, Noise Tracker, Amiga (etc.) music module file MOD - Kernel module (Microsoft Windows 9.x) MOD - Modula-2 source code file (Clarion Modula-2) MOD - Spreadsheet (Microsoft Multiplan) MON - Monitor description (ReadMail) MOV - Movie (AutoCAD/AutoFlix) MOV - Videosoubor se zvukem Apple QuickTime MOZ - Zipped (Compressed) mod file MP2 - Komprimovaný zvukový soubor (formát MPEG-layer 2) MP3 - Komprimovaný zvukový soubor (formát MPEG-layer 3; 8/16 bit) MPA - MPEG audio MPC - Calendar file (Microsoft Project) MPC - MPEGPlus/MusePack komprimovaný zvukový soubor MPD - Database file (Microsoft Project) MPE - Komprimované video MPEG (8/24 bit) MPEG - Komprimované video MPEG (8/24 bit) MPG - Komprimované video MPEG (8/24 bit) MPM - Mathplan Macro library (WordPerfect for Windows) MPP - Project file (Microsoft Project) MPP - Drawing file (CAD) MPR - Menus (compiled) (FoxPro) MPT - Bitmap graphics (Multipage TIFF) MPV - MPEG video bez zvuku MPV - View file (Microsoft Project) MPX - Compiled menu program (FoxPro) MPX - Exchange file (Microsoft Project) used for exporting data MRB - Bitmapový obrázek MultiResolution Bitmap (Microsoft C/C++) MRI - MRI Scan MRS - Macro resource file (WordPerfect for Windows) MS - Speciálně CHKLIST.MS - kontrolní součet programu MSAV MSA - Archive (Magic Shadow) MSC - Common console document (Microsoft Windows 2000) MSC - Makefile (Microsoft C) MSD - Diagnostics report file (Microsoft MSD) MSDL - Scene Description Language (Manchester) MSG - E-mailová zpráva MS-Outlook MSG - Texty menu a hlášek programu (odděleno kvůli různým jazykovým verzím) MSI - Instalační soubor aplikací-Windows Installer MSN - Mission File (Descent) MSN - Network document (Microsoft) MSP - Microsoft Paint - bitmapový obrázek MSP - Soubor programu MS Publisher MSP - Windows Installer patch file MSS - Manuscript text file (Perfect Writer, Scribble, MINCE, Jove) MST - Minispecification file (Prosa) MST - Setup script (Microsoft SDK) MST - Windows Installer transform MSW - Text file (Microsoft Word) MSX - Archive MSX (CP/M) MSX - UPDOWNC diskette image MTH - Math file (Derive) MTM - Modul programu MultiTracker MTR - Modul programu MasterTrackers MTV - Vektorový obrázek programu MTV raytraycer MTW - Datafile (Minitab) MTX - Twain device driver (32 bit)(UMax) MU - Menu (Quattro Pro) MUL - Online game called Ultima online MUS - Formát hudby, mnoho druhů MUS10 - Audio (Mus10) MV - Server-side script file (Miva) MVA - Video accelerator file (Matrox) MVB - Soubor s nápovědou pro MS Windows obsahující obrazový záznam MVC - Image file (Sony Digital Mavica) MVE - Interplay video file (Descent2, Fallout2) MVF - Stop frame file (AutoCAD-AutoFlix) MVI - Movie command file (AutoCAD-AutoFlix) MVW - Log file (Saber LAN) MWF - Animation (ProMotion) MWP - Smartmaster file (Lotus WordPro 97) MWS - Maple WorkSheet - zdrojovvý kód-skript programu Maple MXD - ArcMap GIS project file MXT - Datafile (Microsoft C) MYP - Presentation file (Make Your Point) ============================================================================== NAN - Nanoscope files (Raw Grayscale) NAP - Metafile (NAP) NAP - Video file (EnerGraphics) NB - Text file (Nota Bene) NC - Instructions for numerical control machine (CAMS) NCB - Developer Studio file (Microsoft) NCC - CNC (Computer Numeric Control) file (CamView 3D) NCD - Change directory (Norton) NCD - Souřadnicový soubor pro NC vrtačky NCF - Command File (Netware) NCF - Internal clipboard (Lotus Notes) NDB - Network database (Intellicom) NDO - 3D low-polygon modeler (Nendo) NDX - Database file (1ACT! for Microsoft Windows) NDX - Indexový soubor k databázovému souboru NEO - Raster graphics (Atari Neochrome) NES - Emulator ROMS for game console (Nintendo) NET - Network configuration file NET - Netlist output file (Orcad Schematic Capture) NETC - DF Network Common Data Form NEW - New info NEZ - Emulator file used for game consoles (NES) NFF - Natural File Format - vektorový obrázek NFO - Infobase file (Folio) NFO - Informace o programu, či výrobci NFT - Template file (Netobject Fusion) NG - Databáze programu Norton Guid NG - Online documentation database (Norton Guide) NIL - Icon Library file (EasyIcons-compatible) (Norton) NIST - Audio (NIST Sphere) NLB - Data (Oracle 7) NLM - Loadable Module (Netware) NLS - National Language Support file used for localization NLU - E-Mail Trigger file (Norton LiveUpdate) NLX - Form (FormWorx 3.0) NOD - File (Netobject Fusion) NP - Project schedule (Nokia Planner, Visual Planner 3.x) NPI - Source for interpreter (dBase Application Generator) NRF - Data file (NICOLET) NRG - CD image soubor vypalovacího programu Nero Burning ROM NSF - Database (Lotus Notes) NSO - Document file (NetObject Fusion) NST - Music module (MOD) (Noise Tracker) NS2 - Database (Lotus Notes version 2) NS3 - Database (Lotus Notes version 3) NS4 - Database (Lotus Notes version 4) NT - Startup files (Microsoft Windows NT) NTF - Database template (Lotus Notes) NTR - Executable ASCII text file NTS - Executable ASCII text file NTS - Tutorial (Norton) NTX - Indexový soubor k databázovému souboru NUF - Message for new users (1st call) (Procomm Plus) NUM - Soubor s pirátským sériovým číslem NWC - Song file (Noteworthy Composer) NWS - News message (MIME RFC822) (Microsoft Outlook Express) NXT - Sound file (NeXT) ============================================================================== O - Zkompilovaný (ale nesestavený) program, nebo jeho část z DJGPP/GCC OAS - Word processor document (Fujitsu OAS)(Japanese) OAZ - Fax (NetFax Manager) OB - Object cut/paste file (IBM LinkWay) OBD - Binder (Microsoft Office) OBD - Binder template (Microsoft Office) OBJ - Vektorový obrázek programu Wavefront OBJ - Zkompilovaný (ale nesestavený) program, nebo jeho část OBP - Zkompilovaný (ale nesestavený) program, nebo jeho část OBR - Object browser data file (Borland C++) OBS - Script (ObjectScript) OBV - Visual interface (ObjectScript) OBZ - Binder Wizard (Microsoft Office) OCF - Object craft file (Object Craft) OCR - Transcribed fax-to-text file (FAXGrabber) OCX - MS Windows Knihovny funkcí ODEX - Optimized Dalvik EXecutable ODL - Type library source (Visual C++) ODS - Mailbox file (Microsoft Outlook Express) OFD - Form definition (ObjectView) OFF - Object File Format - vektorový obrázek OFN - FileNew file (Microsoft Office) OFT - Template (Microsoft Outlook) OGG - Audio/Video file, usually Theora/Vorbis codec (MP3/MPG/AVI alternative) OGL - Tabulka programu Calc/Borland OOGrid Library OKR - Feldeinteilung module file (3-D Fassade Plus) OKT - Music module (MOD) (Oktalyzer) OLB - Object Library (MS OLE, VAX) OLB - OrCAD Capture Library - knihovna schematických značek OLD - Záložní soubor (např. původní konfigurace) OLE - Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) custom control (Microsoft) OLI - Text file (Olivetti) ONE - Microsoft OneNote (handwritten/typed notes) OO1 - Voice file (Typhoon) OOGL - Object Oriented Graphics Library OOM - Swap file (Shroom) OPJ - OrCAD ProJect OPL - Organiser Programming Language source file (Psion/Symbian) OPN - Active options (Exact) OPO - Output executable file (OPL) OPT - Developer Studio file (Microsoft) OPT - Optimize support file (QEMM) OPW - Organization chart (Org Plus for Windows) OPX - Extension DLL (OPL) OPX - Inactive options (Exact) OR2 - Calendar file (Lotus Organizer 2) OR3 - Lotus Organizer 97 file ORA - Parameter file (Oracle) ORC - Script (Oracle 7) ORG - Calendar file (Lotus Organizer) ORA - Configuration file (Oracle 7) OSS - Search file (Microsoft Office) O$$ - Outfile (Sprint) OST - Offline file (Microsoft Exchange/Outlook) OTL - Outline font description (Z-Soft Type Foundry) OTL - Template file (PrintMaster Gold) OTL - Template file (Super NoteTab) (Fookes) OTX - Text file (Olivetti Olitext Plus) OUT - Output file (Microsoft C) OV - Database file (Revelation-DOS) OV1 - Overlay file OV2 Overlay fileOVD Datafile (ObjectVision) OVL - OVerLay (překryvný modul) - doplněk spustitelného programu OVR - OVerLay (překryvný modul) - doplněk spustitelného programu OZF2 - OziExplorer raster map OZFX3 - OziExplorer raster map OZF4 - OziExplorer raster map ============================================================================== P - LightWave plugin P - Picture file (APPLAUSE) P - Application parameter file (ReaGeniX code generator) P - Zdrojový kód programu v jazyce Pascal P10 - Plot 10 drawing (Tektronics) P16 - 16 Channel Music file (ProTracker 16) P22 - Patch file (Patch 22) P3 - Project Planner file (Primavera) P3D - Pittsburgh Supercomputer Center 3D Metafile - vektorový obrázek P65 - Document file (PageMaker 6.0) P7C - Digital ID file (MIME) PAB - Personal Address Book (Microsoft) PAC - Image (Stad) PAC - Modul programu SB Studio 2.0 PAD - Keypad definition (Telemate) PAK - Archiv PAK, komprimovaný datový soubor Quake PAL - A compressed file (Generic) PAL - Soubor s barevnou paletou PAN - Printer specific file (CorelDRAW) PAQ - Password encrypted zip file (Hewlett-Packard) PAR - Parameter file (Fractint) PAR - Parts application (Digitalk PARTS) PAR - Permanent output file (Microsoft Windows 3.x) PAR - Soubor samoopravných kódů veygenerovaný programem PAR PAR2 - Soubor samoopravných kódů veygenerovaný programem PAR2 PAS - Zdrojový kód programu v jazyce Pascal PAT - ExePatch utility used for Warcraft2 (WarHack) PAT - Gravis Ultrasound Patch PAT - Hatch pattern file (DataCAD) PAT - Patch file (Advanced Gravis Ultrasound/Forte Technologies) PAT - Pattern file (CorelDRAW) PB - Fax (FAXability Plus) PB - Phone book (WinFax Pro) PB - Setup file (PixBase) PB1 - Document (First Publisher for Windows) PBA - Source code file (Powerbasic BASIC) (Genus) PBD - Dynamic library, an alternative to a native DLL (PowerBuilder) PBD - Phone book (FaxNOW!-Faxit) PBF - Turtle Beach Pinnacle Bank File PBI - Include file (PowerBasic) (Genus) PBI - Profiler binary input file (Microsoft Source Profiler) PBK - Microsoft Phonebook PBL - Library file used in a development environment (PowerBuilder) PBL - PowerBasic library (Genus) PBM - Bitmapový orázek Portable BitMap, Planar bitmap graphic (XLib) PBO - Profiler binary output (Microsoft Source Profiler) PBR - Resource file (PowerBuilder) PBT - Profiler binary table (Microsoft Source Profiler) PC - Text file (IBM) PC3 - Custom palette (Harvard Graphics 3.0) PC8 - Ascii text IBM8 character set (NewWave Write) PCB - Application data file (Microsoft Powerpoint) PCC - Bitmapový orázek programu PC Paintbrush (Z-Soft) PCD - Bitmapový orázek Kodak Photo CD PCD - P-Code compiled test scripts as in Microsoft Test and Microsoft Visual Test PCE - Maps Eudora mailbox names to DOS filenames PCF - Profiler command file (Microsoft Source Profiler) PCH - Patch file (Generic) PCH - Precompiled header file (Microsoft C/C++) PCI - PCI Miniport file (Microsoft Windows System file) PCJ - Multimedia authoring tool graphics (IBM Linkaway-Live) PCK - Pickfile (Turbo Pascal) PCL - Printer Control Language file (printer-ready bitmap) (Hewlett-Packard) PCM - Audio file PCM PCP - Live Update Pro file (Symantec) PCS - Animation (PICS) PCS - Picture storage file (Microsoft) PCT - PICT drawing (Macintosh) PCW - Text file (PC Write) PCX - Z-Soft RLE komprimovaný bitmapový obrázek (8/24 bit) PDA - Bitmap graphics PDB - Data file (TACT) PDB - Physical model backup file (PowerDesigner) PDB - Database file (3Com PalmPilot) PDD - Graphic image that can be opened with Paint Shop Pro and Adobe PhotoDeluxe PDF - Graphics file (ED-SCAN 24bit) PDF - Portable Document Format - dokument Adobe Acrobatu PDF - Printer Definition File (Netware) PDH - Uložený podpis pro FM602 (HiRes) PDL - Project description language file (Borland C/C++) PDN - Bitmapový obrázek Microsoft Paint.NET PDM - Physical model file (PowerDesigner) PDP - Print Shop Deluxe file (Broderbund) PDP - Uložený podpis pro FM602 PDQ - Flowcharting PDQ Lite file (Patton&Patton) PDS - Hardware assembly source code file (Pldasm) PDS - Photographic image file (origin not yet identified) PDS - Planetary Data System - (by NASA) planetární data PDT - Database file (ProCite) PDV - Ovladač zařízení pro MSPainbrush PDW - Document (Professional Draw) PDX - Databázový soubor programu Paradox PE3 - Image archive file (Ulead PhotoImpact, QuickViewer) PE4 - Image archive file (Ulead PhotoImpact v.4.0) PEB - Program Editor bottom overflow file (WordPerfect for Windows Library) PED - Program Editor delete save file (WordPerfect for Windows) PEM - Program Editor macro (WordPerfect for Windows library) PEQ - Program Editor print queue file (WordPerfect for Windows) PER - Program Editor resident area file (WordPerfect for Windows Library) PES - Program Editor work space file (WordPerfect for Windows Library) PET - Program Editor top overflow file (WordPerfect for Windows Library) PF - Encrypted file (Alladin Systems) PFA - Type 3 font (ASCII) PFB - Soubor plošného spoje v Pads PCB PFB - Truetype font programu Adobe Acrobat Reader, Autodesk Animator PRO PFC - PF Component file PFC - Text file (First Choice) PFC - Personal filing cabinet file (AOL) PFF - Paraform file for 3D modeling (Scandata) PFK - Programmable function keys (XTreePro) PFM - Printer Font Metrics (Microsoft) PFS - Database text file (PFS:Write) PFT - Printer font (ChiWriter) PG - Page cut/paste file (IBM LinkWay) PGC - Bitmapový obrázek Portfolio Graphics Compressed PGF - Bitmapový obrázek Portfolio Graphics File PGI - Printer graphics file device driver (PGRAPH Library) PGL - Plotter drawing (Hewlett-Packard) PGM - Bitmapový obrázek Portable GreyMap PGM - Program file (Signature) PGM - Součást aplikace WinBase602 (zdrojový program) PGN - Portable game notation file (ChessMaster and others) PGP - PGP encrypted file PGS - Manual page (man4dos) PH - Temporary file generated by Microsoft Help Compiler PH - Optimized .goh file (Geoworks) PH - Perl header file PH - Phrase-table (Microsoft C/C++) PHN - Phone list (UltraFax, QmodemPro) PHO - Phone database (Metz Phone for Windows) PHP - Zdrojový soubor-skript PHP PHP3 - Zdrojový soubor-skript PHP 3.x PHP4 - Zdrojový soubor-skript PHP 4.x PHR - Phrases (LocoScript) PHTM - L HTML page that includes a PHP script PHTM - L Perl-parsed HTML PI1 - Low resolution picture file (Dages Elite) PI2 - Medium resolution picture file (Dages Elite) PI3 - High resolution picture file (Dages Elite) PIC - 3D Image file (SoftImage) PIC - Bitmapový obrázek PC Paint/Lotus/PICT drawing (Macintosh) PIC - Pixar picture file (SDSC Image Tool) PICT - PICT image file (Macintosh) PIF - Archiv (Macintosh) PIF - PIF drawing (IBM) PIF - Soubor s popisem DOSovského programu pro Windows PIF - Vector graphics GDF file (IBM Mainframe) PIG - WAD file (Lucas Arts Dark Forces PIN - Data file (Epic Pinball) PIT - Archiv Macintosh PackIt PIX - Alias image file (SDSC Image Tool) PIX - Lumena Paint - bitmapový obrázek PJ - Project file (CA-SuperProject) PJ - Source Integrity file (MKS) PJT - Visual FoxPro memo file PJT - Visual FoxPro project PJX - Visual FoxPro project PK - Packed bitmap font file (TeX DVI) PKA - Archiv PKARC PKG - Installer script (NEXT) PKG - MS Developer Studio application extension (similar to a DLL file) PKR - Public Keyring (PGP) PKT - Packet file (Fidonet) PL - Interleaf printerleaf (or WorldView) format PL - Palette (Harvard Graphics) PL - Property list font metric file (TeX) PL - Zdrojový kód programu v jazyce Perl PL - Zdrojový kód programu v jazyce Prolog PL1 - Room plan (3D Home Architect) PL3 - Chart palette (Harvard Graphics 3.0) PLB - Library file (FoxPro) PLC - Add-in file (Lotus 1-2-3) PLG - A format use by REND386/AVRIL PLI - Data description file (Oracle 7) PLL - Pre-linked library file (Clipper 5) PLM - Modul programu Disorder Tracker PLN - Spreadsheet (WordPerfect for Windows) PLR - Pilot file (Descent 1-3) PLS - Playlist PLS - Sample file (DisorderTracker2) PLT - OziExplorer GPS tracklog PLT - Palette (Generic) PLT - Pre-linked transfer file (Clipper 5) PLT - Sign-making software (Gerber Optical) PLT - Vektorový soubor pro plotter (= .HPL, .HGL, .GL2) PLY - Data file (PopMail) PLY - Presentation screen (Harvard Spotlight) PM - Bitmap graphics (Presentation Manager) PM - Module (Perl) PM3 - Document (PageMaker 3.0) PM4 - Document (PageMaker 4.0) PM5 - Document (PageMaker 5.0) PM6 - Document (PageMaker 6.0) PMA - Archiv PMARC2 PMC - Graphics (A4TECH Scanner) PMM - Program file (Amaris BTX/2) PN3 - Printer device driver (Harvard Graphics 3.0) PNG - Browser catalogue (Paint Shop Pro) PNG - Portable Network Graphics - bezeztrátově komprimovaný bitmapový obrázek (1-32bit) PNM - Bitmapový obrázek Portable aNyMap PNP - Portable Network Picture - orbázek PNQ - Plug-in programu ICQ PNT - Graphic file (MacPaint) PNT - Pen Table plotting file (Pro/Engineer) PNT - QWK reader pointer file (MarkMail 2.x) PNTG - Same as PNT file POC - POCco, dodatečný zdrojový kód do Autodesk Animatoru PRO POG - PIG file extension (Descent2) POH - Optimized .goh file (Geoworks) POL - 3D polygonal modeling file (Innovmetric) POL - Windows NT Policy file POP - Message index (PopMail) POP - Popup file (Visual dBase) POT - Šablona dokumentů MS PowerPoint POV - Popis vektorové scény programu POV-Ray POW - Chord chart (PowerChords) PP - Compressed Amiga archive (POWERPACKER) PP4 - Bitmap (Picture Publisher 4) PPA - PowerPoint Add-in (Microsoft) PPB - Button bar for print preview (WordPerfect for Windows) PPD - PostScript Printer definition file specification (Adobe Acrobat v.4.0) PPF - Pinnacle Program File (Turtle Beach) PPI - Graphics file (Microsoft PowerPoint) PPL - PolaroidPalettePlus ColorKey device driver (Harvard Graphics 3.0) PPM - Portable Pixelmap bitmap PPO - Pre-processed output file (Clipper 5) PPP - Document or finished project (Parson Power Publisher) PPP - Desktop publishing default output file (Serif PagePlus) PPS - Soubor s prezentací programu MS PowerPoint PPS - Storyboard (Personal Producer) PPT - Soubor s prezentací programu MS PowerPoint PPX - Bitmapový obrázek Portable PiXmap PQB - Master boot backup file (PowerQuest BootMagic) PQI - Drive image file (PowerQuest) PR2 - Presentation (Aldus Persuasion 2.x) PR2 - Printer driver (dBase IV) PR3 - Postscript printer driver (dBase IV) PR3 - Presentation (Aldus Persuasion 3.x) PRC - Resource (text or program) file (3com PalmPilot) PRD - Printer driver (Generic) PRE - Presentation (Lotus Freelance) PRE - Settings (Microsoft C/C++, Programmer's WorkBench) PRE - Šablona textových dokumentů MS PowerPoint PRF - Output file (Profiler) PRF - Pixel Run Format graphics (Improces-Fastgraph) PRF - Printer driver (dBase IV) PRF - Settings file (Macromedia Director) PRF - System file (Microsoft Windows) PRG - Program source files (dBase IV, Clipper 5, FoxPro, Atari) PRG - Program file (WAVmaker) PRI - Printer definitions (LocoScript) PRJ - PRoJect - obecně ukládá celou práci, včetně nastavení programu PRM - Parameter file (Generic) PRM - Plug-in programu Adobe Premiere PRN - Print Table (space delimited text) PRN - Printer driver (Signature) PRN - Text file (Lotus 1-2-3-Symphony) PRN - Windows Printer file (DataCAD) PRO - Configuration file (Pro/Engineer) PRO - Graphics profile file (DOS) PRO - Project file (Terramodel) PRO - Source code file (Prolog) PRP - Data conversion saved project file (Oberon Prospero) PRS - Definiční soubor tiskárny programu WordPerfect PRS - Presentation file (Harvard Graphics for Windows) PRS - Procedure file (dBase IV) PRT - A print-formatted file PRT - Parallel Ray Trace - vektorový obrázek PRT - Part file (Pro/Engineer, CADkey) PRT - Printer driver (Dr. Halo) PRV - Internet provider template file (psiMail) PRX - Compiled program (FoxPro) PRZ - Graphics file (Lotus Freelance 97) PS - PostScript dokument PSB - Sound Bank file (Pinnacle) PSD - Bitmap (Adobe Photoshop) PSE - Bitmap graphics (IBM printer Page SEgment) PSF - Outline PostScript printer font (ChiWriter) PSI - Zvukový soubor kódovaný podle A-law (Psion) PSM - ProSound Studio Module (používá ho Epic Games) PSM - Sound data file (Epic Pinball) PSM - Symbol table of IDE (Turbo Pascal) PSO - Popis fontu pro tiskárnu PSP - Obrázek programu PaintShop Pro (až 24bit, podporuje vrstvy) PSP - Procedure (Prodea Synergy) PSR - Report file (PowerSoft) PST - Personal Folder File (Microsoft Outlook) PT3 - Device driver (Harvard Graphics 3.0) PT3 - Template (PageMaker 3.0) PT4 - Template (PageMaker 4.0) PTB - Script file (PubTech BatchWorks) PTB - Table file (Pro/Engineer) PTD - Table file (Pro/ENGINEER) PTL - Petal file (ASCII version of Microsoft Visual Modeler) PTM - Macro (PubTech BatchWorks) PTM - Modul programu PolyTracker PTR - QWK reader pointer file (QMail) PUB - Document (Microsoft Publisher) PUB - Publication (Ventura Publisher) PUB - Public key ring file (PGP) PUD - Map file (WarCraftII) PUT - Compressed archive (PUT) PVD - Script file (Instalit) PVL - Library file (Instalit) PVT - Local pointlist (Fidonet) PW - Text file (Professional Write) PWD - Word document (Microsoft Pocket) PWL - Password list file (Microsoft Windows 9.x) PWP - Image file (a roll of film viewed using Photoworks) PWP - Text document (Professional WritePlus) PWZ - PowerPoint wizard (Microsoft) PX - Primary database index (Paradox) PXL - Pocket Excel spreadsheet (Microsoft) PY - Python Script file PY - Saved emessages (YAHOO) PYC - python Compiled script file PZD - Default settings (Pizazz Plus) PZO - Overlay file (Pizazz Plus) PZP - Palette (Pizazz Plus) PZS - Settings (Pizazz Plus) PZT - Transfer file (Pizazz Plus) PZX - Swap file (Pizazz Plus) ============================================================================== QAD - Document (PF QuickArt) QAG - Quick Access Group data file (Norton Desktop) QAP - Application file (Omnis Quartz) QBE - Saved query (dBase IV, Quattro Pro) QBO - Compiled query (dBase IV) QBS - Program file (Microsoft QuickBasic) QBW - Spreadsheet data (QuickBooks for Windows) QCOV - QEMU Copy On Write disk image QCOV2 - QEMU Copy On Write disk image that supports AES encryption QCOV3 - QEMU Copy On Write disk image that supports AES encryption QCP - Voice file (Qualcomm Pure Voice) QD0 - Data file-segment 10 (Omnis Quartz) QD1 - Data file segment 1 (Omnis Quartz) QD2 - Data file segment 2 (Omnis Quartz) QD3 - Data file segment 3 (Omnis Quartz) QD3D - QuickDraw 3D Metafile (Apple) QD4 - Data file segment 4 (Omnis Quartz) QD5 - Data file segment 5 (Omnis Quartz) QD6 - Data file segment 6 (Omnis Quartz) QD7 - Data file segmnet 7 (Omnis Quartz) QD8 - Data file segment 8 (Omnis Quartz) QD9 - Data file segment 9 (Omnis Quartz) QDF - Data file (Quicken) QDK - Backup of startup files (QEMM) QDT - Data file from the Quicken UK Accountancy/Tax/Invoice program QDV - Graphics file (Steve Blackstock Giffer) QEF - Query file (Microsoft Excel) QEL - Electronic library file (Quicken) QFL - Document (Family Lawyer) QFX - Fax (QuickLink) QIC - Backup file (Microsoft) QIF - Image (MIME) (QuickTime) QIF - Import file (Quicken) QLB - Library file (Quick, Microsoft C/C++) QLC - Data (PostScript help file) QLE - Zdroják level mapy programu Qoole QLP - Printer driver (QuickLink) QM - Motion file (Quality) QM4 - Option or services file (QMail 4.x Mail Door) QPR - Generated query program (FoxPro) QPR - Print queue device driver (OS/2) QPX - Compiled query program (FoxPro) QQT - Qardware definition file (Quick Qard Technology) QRP - Report file (Centura, Liberty for Windows 2.0) QRS - Equation Editor support file (WordPerfect for Windows) QRT - QRT graphics file (Ray Tracer) QRY - Query (dBase IV) QSD - Datafile (Quicken) QST - Tab file (Quake Spy) QT - Videosoubor (formát Apple QuickTime) QTI - Bitmapový obrázek (QuickTime) QTIF - Bitmapový obrázek (QuickTime - komprimovaný) QTM - Movie file (QuickTime) QTP - Preferences file (QuickTime) QTS - PICT image file (Macintosh) QTS - Image file (QuickTime) QTX - Image file (QuickTime) QW - Write program file (Symantec Q&A) QWK - Message file (QWK Reader) QXD - Data file (Quark Xpress) QXL - Element library (Quark Xpress) QXT - Template file (Quark Xpress) ============================================================================== R - Ratfor file (FORTRAN Preprocessor) R - Resource file (Pegasus Mail) R8 - Raw graphics (One byte per pixel) plane one (PicLab) R8P - Pcl 4 bitmap font (Intellifont) RA - RealAudio - komprimovaný zvukový soubor RAD - Radar data file (Radar ViewPoint) RAD - Real Adlib Tracker - MIDI RAM - Metafile (RealAudio) RAM - RealAudio - komprimovaný zvukový soubor RAO - ReadAllOver (YOUniverse) RAR - Archiv RAR R?? - Archiv RAR - další volumes RAS - CALS Raster - bitmapový obrázek RAT - Datafile (RATS) RAW - Surový formát - grafika/zvuk/... RBF - Datafile (Rbase) RBH - Maintained by RoboHELP, the RBH file adds to the information contained in the Help project file RBS - DJ. ReBirth, originalní odvětví zápisu hudby (ani MIDI ani Modul) RC - Configuration file (Emacs) RC - Resource script (Micosoft C/C++, Borland C++) RCG - Newsgroup file (Netscape) RD1 - Registered level file (Descent1) RDA - Textový soubor databáze PC FAND (DOS) RDB - Binární soubor úlohy databáze PC FAND (DOS) RDF - Compiled UIC source code (Geoworks UI Compiler) RDF - Research document information format RDF - Resource Description Framework file (related to XML and metadata) RDI - Device-independent bitmap file RDL - Registered Level file (Descent) RDL - Vektorový formát programu MicroStation RDX - Datafile (Reflex) REC - Datafile (EpiInfo) REC - Record file (Sprint) REC - Voice file (RapidComm) REC - Záznam makra vytvořený v záznamníku maker v MS Windows RED - Path information file (Clarion Modula-2) REF - Reference file (Generic) REG - OLE registration file (Microsoft Windows 3.x) REG - Registrační informace programu REG - Registry systému Windows 9X/NT REM - BlackBerry Encrypted Data File REM - Remarks file (Generic) REP - Reply file (QWK Reader) REP - Report file (Visual dBase, Report Designer, DataBoss, CodeReporter) REQ - Request file (Generic) RES - Compiled resource file (Borland C++) RES - Resource file (MS Visual C++, dBase IV) REV - Revision file (GeoWorks) REX - Report definition (Oracle) REX - Source code file (REXX) REZ - Resource file (Generic) RF - Raster graphics file (Sun) RFF - Dore Raster File Format - bitmapový obrázek RFT - Revisable Form Text (part of IBM's DCA or Document Content Architecture) RGB - Bitmapový obrázek (Silicon Graphics) RGX - Symbol tables (ReaGeniX code generator) RH - Resource header file (Borland C++ 4.5) RI - Data file (Lotus 1-2-3) RIB - RenderMan Interface Bytestream - vektorový obrázek RIC - Fax document (Ricoh) RIF - Datový soubor RIFF (grafika, zvuky, hudba...) RIP - Graphics (remote access) RIS - Vektorový formát programu AUTOTEC Ruplan CAD RIX - Bitmapový obrázek (ColorRIX VGA Paint) RK - Archive file (extreme (PWCM) compression, WinNT-GUI only) RL1 - Regestered level file (Descent1) RL2 - Registered level file (Descent2) RL4 - Bitmap graphics file RL8 - Bitmap graphics file RLA - Wavefront Run-length Encoded Version A - 3D bitmapa RLB - Data file (Harvard Graphics Win 9.x) RLB - Wavefront Run-length Encoded Version B - 3D bitmapa RLC - Graphics file (1 bit per pixel scanner output file) RLE - Bitmapový obrázek komprimovaný metodou RLE (8 bit) RLZ - Realizer source code file (CA-Realizer) RM - RealMovie - komprimovaný video soubor RMD - Document (Microsoft RegMaid) RMF - Rich Map Format (used by 3-D game editors to store a map) RMF - Rich Music Format (Beatnik) RMI - Zvukový soubor MIDI (notový zápis) RMK - Makefile (Clipper RMake) RN - Xpl Program file (Nota Bene) RND - Rendering slide (AutoCAD-AutoShade) RNO - Runoff file (VAX) RNX - Real Audio player multimedální soubor ROL - FM music Adlib Music file (Roland) ROM - Nekomprimovaný soubor s obsahem paměti ROM, např. BIOS ROV - Data file (Rescue Rover) RPD - Database (RapidFire) RPL - Text document (Replica) RPL - Video file (Tomb Raider) RPM - RedHat Package Manager - instalační balíček (RedHat Linux) RPT - Crystal Reports file (and a sub-set of Microsoft Visual Basic) RRS - Saved game file (Ace Road Rash) RS - Datafile (Amiga Resource Reassembler) RS_ - Resourse fork file (Macintosh Mac-ette) RSB - Red Storm bitmap (Rainbow 6 (Game) and several image editing programs) RSC - Resource file (Generic) RSL - Paradox 7 reports (Broderland) RSM - Resume file (WinWay Resume Writer) RSP - Response file (Generic) RST - Pokud jde o SYSTAB.RST - restore informace programu AVG (PAT,MBR,CMOS) RT2 - OziExplorer GPS route RTE - OziExplorer GPS route RTF - Help file script (Microsoft Windows 9.x) RTF - Textový soubor (formát Rich Text) RTL - Run Time library (NU 7.0) RTK - Used by RoboHELP to simulate the search feature of Windows help RTL - Text file (Generic) RTM - Music module (Real Tracker) RTP - Software update package data file (RTpatch) RTS - RoboHELP to speed complex operations RTS - RTSL document (RealAudio) RTS - Runtime library file (CA-Realizer) RTX - Textový soubor (formát Rich Text) RUL - Extension used in InstallShield RUN - Compiled output p-code file (Softworks basic compiler) RV - Real Audio player - multimedální soubor RVP - Scan Configuration file (MIME) (Microsoft) RVW - Review file (Generic) RWS - Resource Workshop data file (Borland C++) RWX - Script file (RenderWare) ============================================================================== S - Assembler source code (UNIX) S3I - Instrument file (Scream Tracker v 3.0) S3M - Zvukový soubor Scream Tracker module 16 kanálů SA2 - Adlib Music Module - MIDI SAI - Encrypted video file (Integrated Sensors) SAL - Datafile (SORITEC) SAM - Dokument programu AmiPro SAM - Signed 8bit sample data file SAR - Archiv SAR SAT - Vektorový formát programu ACIS CAD SAV - Soubor s něčím uloženým (např. rozehrané hry, konfigurace, záloha) SB - Raw Signed Byte (8bit) audio data SB! - Locking file (Superbase) SBD - Data definition file (Superbase) SBD - Storyboard data file (Storyboard Editor) SBF - File data (Superbase) SBI - Instrument file (Creative Labs SoundBlaster) SBK - Knihovna samplů Creative Labs Soundfont 1.0 SBL - Flash object (ShockWave) SBL - Spicer SymboL SBP - Dml program file (Superbase 4) SBP - Program file (Superbase) SBQ - Query definition file (Superbase) SBR - Support file (Source Browser) SBT - Notes related to record data (Superbase 4 for Windows) SBV - Form definition file (Superbase) SC - Display driver (Framework II) SC - Pal script (Paradox) SC2 - Dokument programu Microsoft Schedule SC2 - SAS catalog (Windows 95/NT, OS/2, Mac) SC3 - Renamed dBase III screen mask file (dBase IV) SC3 - Saved game file (SIMM City 3000) SC3 - Screen device driver (Harvard Graphics 3.0) SC4 - Level file (Roller Coaster Tycoon) SC68 - Atari ST and Amiga music format SCA - Datafile (SCA) SCC - Source Safe file (Microsoft) SCC - Text file (Generic) SCD - Dokument programu Microsoft Schedule SCD - Slide image (Matrix/Imapro SCODL) SCD - Object description language graphics (Scodl Scan Conversion) SCF - Command file (Microsoft Windows Explorer) SCF - Multimedia show (ScoreMaker) SCF - Spell checker configuration file (Symphony) SCH - Dokument programu Microsoft Schedule SCH - Elektrické schéma zapojení (různé ECAD, EAGLE, OrCAD...) SCI - Fax document (SciFAX) SCI - Inspire native format (ScanVec) SCI - System configuration information file (Generic) SCM - Scheme source code file (Generic) SCM - Video game console ROM emulater file SCM - Zvukové schema ICQ SCN - RTrace - vektorový obrázek SCN - Scene data file (TrueSpace2) SCN - Screen file (Kermit) SCO - High score file (Generic game file) SCP - Dial-Up Networking Script SCP - Script file (BITCOM) SCR - Debug source code (DOS Debug) SCR - Fax image (Generic) SCR - Screen font file (LocoScript) SCR - Screen saver pro Windows SCR - Screen snapshot file (dBase IV, Procomm Plus) SCR - Script programu Vista Pro SCT - CT bitmap (Scitex) SCT - FoxPro forms SCT - SAS catalog (Dos) SCT01 - SAS catalog (UNIX) SCV - CASmate Native format (ScanVec) SCX - Bitmap graphics (ColorRIX) SCX - Chart (Stanford Chart) SCX - FoxPro forms SCX - Screen file (FoxPro) SCY - Security file (ReaGeniX) SD - Audio (Sound Designer I) SD2 - Flattened file/data fork (Sound Designer II) SD2 - SAS database (Windows 95/NT OS/2, Mac) SDA - File archive description (Fidonet Software Distribution Network) SDC - Spreadsheet (Staroffice - StarCalc) SDD - Presentation file (Staroffice - Starimpress) * SDF - MS Visual Studio browsing database (SQL Server Compact Edition) SDF - System Data File Format - legacy Unisys (Sperry) format SDI - Software distribution network information file SDK - Floppy disk image (Roland) SDL - Library file (SmartDraw) SDN - Komprimovaný soubor distribuovaný přes Shareware Distribution Network SDP - Datafile (Cocreate SolidDesigner) SDPC - Datafile (Cocreate SolidDesigner) SDR - Drawing (SmartDraw) SDS - Raw MIDI Sample Dump Standard file SDT - Template (SmartDraw) SDV - Semicolon Divided Values file SDW - Graphic file (Lotus WordPro) SDW - Raw Signed DWord (32bit) data SDX - Midi Sample Dump Standard files compacted by SDX SEA - Nastavení efektů pro SoundBlaster Live! SEA - Self-expanding archive (used by Stuffit for Mac files and possibly by others) SEC - Secret key ring file (PGP) SEC - Secured animation file (Disney Animation Studio) SED - Screen editor script files (SED) SEL - Data file (Copy Books) SEP - Printer seperator page (Generic) SEP - Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) bitmap SEQ - Animation file (Atari) SEQ - Sequential instruction file (Bubble Chamber) SES - Session file (Cool Edit) SES - Session information file (Clarion Modula-2) SESSION - Internet Security Scanner file (ISS) SET - Install driver sets (Symphony) SET - Konfigurační soubor programů DOS SET - Setup option file (Generic) SET - Voice set files (Quartet) SEW - Sewing program file (Generic) SF - SoundFile format (IrCam) SF - Wps attribute storage file (OS/2 WorkPlace Shell) SF2 - MIDI bank nástrojů SoundFont EMU version 2.0 SFD - Sound File Data (SoundStage) SFF - RTrace - vektorový obrázek SFI - Graphics file (SIS Framegrabber) SFI - Printer font file (HP Laser Jet Landscape, Ventura Publisher) SFI - Sound File Info (SoundStage) SFK - Sound file (Sonic Foundry) SFL - PCL 4 bitmap font (LandScape, Ventura Publisher, Intellifont) SFN - Font file (SPX) SFP - PCL bitmap font (Portrait, Ventura Publisher, Intellifont) SFR - Sample Resource (Sonic Foundry) SFS - Pcl 5 scalable font file (Intellifont) SFT - Screen font (ChiWriter) SFW - Mangled JPEG (Seattle Filmworks) SFX - Samorozbalovací archiv (RAR) SFX - Zvukový formát her postavených na Build Engine SG - Image file (SnapGraphix) SG1 - Graphics file (Stanford Graphics) SGF - Document w/graphics (StarWriter) SGF - Graphics file (Sonique) SGI - Graphics file (IRIS) SGI - SGI Image File Format - bitmapový obrázek SGML - Standard Generalized Markup Language SGO - Showcase, Silicon Graphics Object - vektorový obrázek SGP - Statistics file (STATGRAPHICS Plus) SGT - Save/Get keyboard macro (Signature) SH - ASCII archiv (UNIX/SHAR) SH - Shell script (UNIX) SH3 - Presentaion file (Harvard Graphics) SHB - Document shortcut file SHB - Presentation (Corel Show) SHG - Bitmap (HotSpot) SHK - Archiv Apple SHRINKIT SHK - Archiv Arthurian Shrink Archiver SHM - Shell macro (WordPerfect for Windows Library) SHN - Audio compression file (Shorten) SHP - File format used by some programs for 3D modeling of multipart interactive triangle models SHP - Shapefile spatial data format (used by many GIS programs) SHP - Source code and shape file for text fonts (AutoCAD) SHP - Vektorový 2D obrázek programu 3D Studio SHR - Archiv SHAR (UNIX ASCII) SHS - Shell scrap file (reportedly used to send "password stealers") SHTML - HTML file containing Server Side Includes (SSI) SHW - Presentation (Corel Show, Harvard Graphics 2.0) SHW - Slide Show (WordPerfect for Windows) SHX - Shape entities (AutoCAD) SHX - Shapefile spatial index file (ArcView) SID - Zvukový formát pro soundchip SID Commodore C64 SIF - Setup installation files (Microsoft Windows NT) SIG - Current program settings (Signature) SIG - Signature file (PopMail) SIK - Backup files (Microsoft Word for Windows, Sicherungskopie) SIT - Archiv StuffIt (Macintosh) SIZ - Configuration file (Oracle 7) SKA - Secret Keyring file (PGP) SKF - Drawing file (AutoSketch) SKL - Resource file (Macromedia Director) SL - Save Layout extension (PACT) SL - Source code file (S-Lang) SLB - Slide Library File (AutoCAD) SLC - Compiled SALT script (Telix) SLD - Slide File (AutoCAD, MAGICorp Slide Service) SLK - Symbolic link spreadsheet (SLYK) SLL - Sound data file (Generic) * SLN - MS Visual Studio Solution file SLT - Script application language (SALT) (Telix script source) SLX - Projekt Windows XP Embedded Studio SM - Maillist (SoftSpoken Mailer) SM - Script file (ScriptMaker) SM - Source code file (Smalltalk) SM - Text file (Samna Word) SM3 - Symbol file (DataCAD) SMD - Video game console ROM emulator file SMF - Fax document (SMARTFAX) SMF - Spicer MetaFile SMK - Image file (Deer's Revenge, Nascar Racing '99) SMK - Video ve formátu SMacK play SMM - Macro (AMI Pro) SMP - SampleVision sample (8/16 bit mono,stereo, až 44 KHz) SMS - Emulator ROM image file (8-bit Sega Master System) SMT - SmartObject file (IconAuthor) SMT - Text file (Smart Ware II) SND - Holý formát zvuku SNDR - Sound file (Sounder) SNDT - Sound file (SndTool) SNG - Faust Module pro Adlib SNG - Midi song file (Midisoft Studio, Prism) SNM - Mailbox index (Netscape) SNO - Source code file (Snobol4) SNP - Output video file (Computer Eyes) SO - Shared library file (UNIX)(equivalent to a Windows DLL) SOL - Solution file (Common used with game examples,tutorials) SOM - Network serial numbers (Quattro Pro) SOM - Sort information files (Paradox) SON - Song file (Creative Labs SoundBlaster Studio II) SOU - Sound file (Creative Labs SoundBlaster Studio) SP - Compressed archive for UNIX (Sprint) SP4 - Saved game (Roller Coaster Tycoon) SPC - Program file (Microsoft MultiPlan) SPC - Temporary file (WordPerfect for Windows) SPD - Data file (Speech) SPD - Scalable font (Speedo, Harvard Graphics 3.0) SPF - Slide presentation file (EnerGraphics) SPG - Glossary file (Sprint) SPI - Graphics file (Siemens Scanner, Phillips Scanner) SPL - Archiv SPLINT SPL - Customized printer driver (Sprint) SPL - Object file (ShockWave Flash) SPL - Personal spell dictionary (Signature) SPL - Printer spool file (Microsoft Windows 3.x) SPL - Sample file (DigiTracker) SPM - Data file (WordPerfect for Windows) SPP - Printer file (Sprint) SPPACK - Sound sample (SP Pack) SPR - Document letter (Sprint) SPR - Generated screen program (FoxPro) SPR - Sprite (Image layering and resizing) SPRITE - Bitmap file (Acorn) SPS - Screen driver (Sprint) SPS - Spssx source code file (VAX/VMS) SPT - Source code file (Spitbol) SPT - Support file (MITAC disk/system management utility package) SPU - Picture file (Spectrum 512) SPW - Worksheet (SigmaPlot) SPX - Compiled screen program (FoxPro) SQC - Structured Query Language (SQL) common code file SQL - Databázový soubor, dotaz SQP - Query result of audio search (Sonique) SQR - Structured Query Language (SQL) program file SQZ - Archiv SQUEEZE SRE - Undefined file (Motorola) SRF - Raster graphics file (Sun) SRM - Video game console ROM emulator file SRP - SCript file (QuickLink) SRZ - Source file (DataFlex) SS - Bitmap graphics (Splash) SS - Screen saver programu DOS Navigator SSA - Video file (Sub Station Alpha) SSD - Datafile (SAS/PC) SSD - SAS database (Dos) SSD01 - SAS data sets (UNIX) SSF - Spreadsheet file (Enable) SSP - Datafile (SAS Transport) S$$ - Temporary sort file (Sprint) $$$ - Odkládací/dočasný soubor ST - Disk Image file (Atari) ST - Instrument library (Scream Tracker) ST - Source code file (Little SmallTalk) ST - Stamp file (NeoPaint) STA - Saved state (Reflection 4.0) STA - Stack file (SpinMaker Plus) STB - Stub library (Genus GX Kernel) STD - Standard script file (LocoScript) STD - State transition diagram graphic file (Prosa) STF - Archiv SHRINKTOFIT STF - Informační soubor pro instalační program STL - Stereolithography file STL - titulky k filmu SubRip STM - Modul programu Screamtracker, verze 2.x STM - Shorter suffix for .shtml, an HTML file containing a server side include (SSI) STM - State transition diagram model file (Prosa) STO - Pascal stub OBJ file (Genus GX Kernel) STQ - Text file (Statistica) (StatSoft Software) STR - Screensaver file STR - Structure list OBJ file (dBase IV Application Generator) STS - Project status information file (Microsoft C/C++) STS - Song file (Music) (Scream Tracker) STW - Data file (SmartTerm for Windows) STX - Electronic book file (SmarText) STX - Tax form (CA-Simply Tax) STY - Uložený styl pro textový editor (Ventura Publisher) SUI - Suit library (Simple User Interface Toolkit) SUM - Summary file (Generic) SUN - Rasterfile graphics (Sun) * SUO - MS Visual Studio Solution Options file SUP - Supplementary dictionary files (WordPerfect for Windows) SVD - Autosave file for document (WordPerfect for Windows) SVF - Simple Vector Format 2D image (Microstation) SVG - Autosave file for glossary (WordPerfect for Windows) SVG - Scalable vector graphics file (Adobe) SVP - Graphics file (Sonique) SVS - Autosave file for style sheet (WordPerfect for Windows) SVX - Interchange file format, 8SVX/16SV SVX - Sound file (Amiga 8SVX) SVY - Database file (SAVVY/PC) SW - Raw signed Word (16bit) data SWA - Shockwave audio file in Macromedia Director (an MP3 file) SWF - Macromedia ShockWave File - animace+zvuk SWG - Swag Packet file (SWAG Reader) SWP - Document backup file (Sprint) SWP - Swapovací soubor SY1 - Smartpix symbol library (Ami Pro) SY3 - Symbol file (Harvard Graphics 2.0) SYD - Backup of startup files (QEMM) SYM - Precompiled header file (Borland C++) SYM - Program symbol table (Generic to compilers) SYM - Symbol file (Harvard Graphics 2.0) SYN - SDSC Synu image file (SDSC Image Tool) SYN - Synonym file (Microsoft Word 5.0) SYS - Datafile (SYGRAPH, SYSTAT, SPSS/PC) SYS - Systémový soubor/ovladač zařízení SYW - Graphics symbols (Harvard Graphics) SYW - Wave file (Yamaha SV-series) ============================================================================== T - Archiv Tape ARchiver (UNIX, bez komprese) T - Source file (TADS) T - Tester symbol file (ReaGeniX code generator) T00 - Datový soubor PC FAND (DOS) bez deklarace dat T2T - Modeling software file (Sonata CAD) T44 - Temporary file for sorting index (dBase IV) T64 - Tape image emulátoru Commodore C64 TAB - Guitar Tablature file TAB - Table file (MapInfo GIS) TAG - Query tag name file (DataFlex) TAH - Turbo assembler help file (Borland C++) TAL - Text illustration file (TypeAlign) TAK - Audio file compressed with "TAK" lostless compressor TAR - Archiv Tape ARchiver (UNIX, bez komprese) TAZ - Archiv COMPRESS (ASCII) TAZ - Archiv Gzip/Tape archiver (UNIX) TB1 - Font file (Borland Turbo C) TB2 - Font file (Borland Turbo C) TBF - Fax document (Imavox TurboFax) TBK - Interactive multimedia files (Asymetrix Toolbook) TBK - Memo backup file (dBase IV, FoxPro) TBK - Toolbook file (Asymetrix Toolbook) TBL - Graphics (Native format) (Pagemaker TableEditor) TBL - Table of values (OS/2) TBS - Text elements (Microsoft Word for Windows) TBX - Table (Project Scheduler 4) TC - Configuration file (Turbo C, Borland C++) TCH - Turbo C Help file (Borland C++) TCL - Script in the TCL/TK Language TCW - Drawing file (TurboCAD for Windows) TD - Configuration file (Turbo Debugger for DOS) TD0 - Teledisk diskette image TD2 - Configuration file (Turbo Debugger for WIN32) TD4 - Saved track design (Roller Coaster Tycoon) TDB - Database file (Thumbs Plus, TACT) TDDD - A file format use by the Imagine & Turbo Silver ray-tracers TDF - Font file (TheDraw) TDF - Součást aplikace WinBase602 (definice tabulky) TDF - Typeface definition file (Speedo) TDH - Help file (Turbo Debugger) TDK - Keystroke recording file (Turbo Debugger) TDS - Symbol table (Turbo Debugger) TDT - Součást aplikace WinBase602 (obsah tabulky v interním formátu) TDW - Konfigurační soubor Turbo Debuggeru pro Windows TEF - Fax document (Relisys TEFAX) TEL - Hostfile (Telnet) TEM - Input template (IconAuthor) TEM - Turbo Editor Macro Language script (Borland C++) TEX - Bitmapová textura TEX - Datasheet file (Idealist) TEX - TEX text file (Scientific Word) TF - Configuration file (Turbo Profiler) TFA - Area file (Turbo Profiler) TFC - Catalogue file (Tobi's Floppy Disk Cataloguer) TFH - Help file (Turbo Profiler) TFM - Form file (Form Tool Gold) TFM - Tagged font metric file (TeX) TFM - TeX font metrics file (TeX) TFS - Statistics file (Turbo Profiler) TG1 - Project file (On Target) TGA - Targa komprimovaný/nekomprimovaný bitmapový obrázek (8-32 bit) TGA - Winpoint Loan file (Microsoft Excel) TGQ - Movie file (Dungeon Keeper 2 - Bullfrog Software) TGV - Video file (Need for Speed I/II/III, NBA '96 - Electronic Arts) TGZ - Archiv TAR zabalený GZIPem (UNIX) THEME - Desktop theme (Microsoft Windows 9.x) THM - Thumbnail image file (Microsoft Clip Gallery v.1.x) THN - Thumbnail (Graphics Workshop for Windows) THS - Slovník synonym pro textový editor (Thesaurus) TIF - Bitmapový komprimovaný obrázek (8/16/24 bit) TIFF - Bitmapový komprimovaný obrázek (8/16/24 bit) TIG - Map file (Tiger, used by the US Government to distribute Map files) TIL - Fuzzy Logic knowledge base file (Togai InfraLogic Fuzzy-C Compiler) TIM - Texture/Image file (Playstation) TIS - Tile set (MahJongg 3.0) TJF - backup files (VAXTPU Editor) TLB - OLE type library files (Microsoft) TLB - Reference table (Bubble Editor) TLB - Text library (VAX) TLB - Type library (Visual C++) TLC - Compiled tool command language source code file (Swat) TLE - Two-Line element set (NASA) TLP - Project timeline file (Microsoft Project) TLX - Data file (Trellix) TMF - Tagged font metric file (WordPerfect for Windows) TMO - Ztg global optimizer default optimizer file (Zortech C++) TMP - Dočasný odkládací soubor TMS - Script file (Telemate) TNV - Data file (BitWare) TOC - Table of contents file (Eudora Mailbox) TOL - Image file (Kodak Photo Enhancer) TOS - Samorozbalovací archiv (Atari ST) TOS - Spustitelný program pro počítče Atari ST/STe/TT TP - Configuration file (Turbo Pascal) TP - Sesson-state file (Turbo Profiler) TP3 - Template file (Harvard Graphics) TP4 - Saved picture file (Roller Coaster Tycoon) TPB - Downloadable PCL Soft font file backup (HiJaak) TPF - Downloadable PCL Soft font file (HiJaak) TPH - Help file (Turbo Pascal) TPL - Encrypted lesson file (TutorPro) TPL - Residents units library (Turbo Pascal) TPL - Template file (Cakewalk Audio, Harvard Graphics 2.0, DataCAD) TPP - Project file (Teleport Pro) TPP - Zkompilovaný modul v jazyce Borland Pascal (protected mode) TPU - Command file (VAXTPU Editor) TPU - Zkompilovaný modul v jazyce Borland (Turbo) Pascal (real mode) TPV - Packed graphics file (TutorPro) TPW - Packed wave files (TutorPro) TPW - Session-state file (Turbo Profiler for Microsoft Windows) TPW - Zkompilovaný modul v jazyce Borland Pascal (Windows) TPX - Image file (ULead Photo Express) TPZ - Archive TAR TPZ - Archive Gzip TR - Session-state settings (Turbo Charge Debugger for DOS) TR2 - Session-state settings (Turbo Charge Debugger for Win32) TRA - Saved game file (Coaster) TRC - Debug support file (Power CTrace) TRE - Directory tree file (PC-Tools) TRK - Script file (Kermit) TRM - Terminal file (Generic) TRM - Terminal settings file (Microsoft Windows 3.x) TRN - Project usage log (MKS Source Integrity) TRN - Translation support file (Quattro Pro) TRS - Executable file (MicroGraphix) TRW - Session-state settings (Turbo Debugger for Windows) TST - Printer test file (WordPerfect for Windows) TTF - TrueType font (Generic) TTK - Translation tool kit file (Corel Catalyst) TTO - Client access data specification file (AS/400) (Server to Client) TTT - Binární soubor úlohy databáze PC FAND (DOS) TUV - Tutorial file (Many programs use this suffix for their tutorials) (Generic) TV - Table view settings (Paradox) TV? - Overflow file above insert point in document 1 (WordPerfect for Windows) TVF - Table view settings (dBase IV) TWF - Data file (TABWorks) TWW - Template file (TagWrite) TX8 - MS-DOS text TXB - Encoded briefing file (Descent/D2) TXF - Archive TAR/FREEZE TXF - Tax exchange format (Quicken and others) TXI - Support file (TeX) TXT - Textový soubor TXW - Wave file (Yamaha TX16W) TYM - Time Stamp files (PageMaker 4.0) TZ - Old compression file (TAR), (COMPRESS) TZB - Compressed archive (Tar) ============================================================================== UAP - User agent profile (Used by wireless telephony applications) UAX - Zvukový formát Unreal (Tournament) UB - Raw unsigned byte (8-bit) data UC2 - Archiv UltraCompressor(II) UCN - New compressed archive (UltraCompressor II) UDF - Image filter (Photostyler) UDF - Unique Database (Microsoft Windows NT) UDW - Raw unsigned doubleword (32-bit) data UE2 - Encrypted archive (UltraCompressor II) * UF2 - USB Flashing Format image UFO - Object file (Ulead) UG - Drawing file (AutoCAD and others) UHS - Binary file (Universal Hint System) UI - Espire source code (Geoworks UI Compiler) UI - User interface file (Sprint) UIF - Long prompts for Microsoft Windows (WordPerfect for Windows) UIH - Espire header file (Geoworks UI Compiler) UL - Audio file (ULAW) ULAW - (CCITT G.711) audio (US Telephony) ULD - Uploaded file information (Procomm Plus) ULT - Modul programu UltraTracker UMB - Backup file (archive) (MemMaker) UMX - Hudba typu module hry Unreal (Tournament) UNI - Datafile (Forcast Pro) UNI - MiKMOD mezinárodní modulový formát UNI - Unicode - 16-bitový Text od velkého Billa UNR - Mapy hry Unreal (Tournament) UNX - Text file (UNIX specific information) UPD - Updated program data (dBase) UPI - Program file (ULead Photo Impact) UPO - Compiled updated datafile (dBase) UPX - Dočasný soubor EXE-kompresoru UPX UPX - Saved Image file (ULead Photo Express) URF - Universal radar format (Radar ViewPoint) URL - Internetová adresa (Universal Resource Locator) USE - Source Integrity file (MKS) USP - Printer font w/updated USACII extended character set (Pagemaker) USR - Audit trail file (Pro/Engineer) USR - User database file (Procomm Plus, Turbo C++, Tour) UTX - Bitmapové textury hry Unreal (Tournament) UU - UU-encoded file UUE - Executable compressed ASCII archive (UUDE/ENCODE) UUE - UU-encoded file UW - Raw unsigned 16-bit) datafile (Word) UWF - Wave file (UltraTracker) ============================================================================== V - Consistency check support file (ReaGeniX Code Generator)V Main image input file (Vivid 2.0) V - Zdrojový kód FPGA desginu v jazyce Verilog V8 - 8-bit audio file (CoVox) VAL - Asset management document (Milliplex OmniValue) VAL - Validity checks/referential integrity checks (Paradox for Windows) VAL - Values list object file (dBase Application Generator) VAN - Animation file (VistaPro) VAP - Annotated speech file (Generic) VAR - ASCII text file for data dictionary VAR - Variable file (IconAuthor) VBA - VBase file VBP - Project file (Microsoft Visual Basic) VBR - Remote automated registration file (Microsoft Visual Basic) VBS - Zdrojový kód programu v jazyce MS-VisualBasic VBW - Workspace file (Microsoft Visual Basic) VBX - Custom control file (Microsoft Visual Basic) VBX - Prvek pro MS Windows vytvořený v programu MS-VisualBasic VC - Include file with color definitions (Vivid 2.0) VC - Spreadsheet (VisaCalc) VCE - Unformatted voice file (used by Cool Edit, Natural Microsystems) VCF - Configuration file (defines objects for use with Sense8's WorldToolKit) VCF - Soubor vizitky MS-Outlook VCF - Virtual card file VCT - Class library MFC (FoxPro) VCW - Visual workbench information file (Microsoft Visual C++) VCX - Class library MFC (FoxPro) VDA - Graphics image (Generic) VDA - Targa bitmap VDI - GEM vektorový obrázek VDI - VirtualBox Disk Image VDR - Drawing file (ComputerEasy Draw) VEL - 3D drawing file (CAD( (Ashlar) VEW - View file (Clipper 5, Lotus Approach) VFL - Clip art file (PrintMaster Gold) VFM - Voting form (Voter) VFN - Voting form for customers (VFN) VGA - Definiční soubor monitoru pro VGA VGA - Soubor s fontem pro VGA VGD - Visual display driver ( Generic CADD) VGR - Graphics file (Ventura Publisher) VHD - Zdrojový soubor jazyka VHDL VHDL - Zdrojový soubor jazyka VHDL VI - Graphics file (Jovian Logic VI) VI - Virtual Instrument file (National Instruments LABView) VIC - Graphics file (Vicar) VID - Bethesda video files (Terminator, Future Shock) VID - Bitmap graphics (YUV12C M-Motion Frame Buffer) VID - Screen device driver (Microsoft Word) VID - Shell monitor file (Microsoft DOS v.5) VIF - Khoros Visualisation image (SDSC Image Tool) VIFF - Khoros Visualisation image (SDSC Image Tool) VIK - Graphics Image (Viking) VIR - File identified as a virus-infected file by Norton AntiVirus and possibly others VIS - Graphics image file (VIS) VIV - Streaming video file (VivoActive) VIZ - dVS/dVISE file (Division) VLB - Library file (Corel Ventura) VLM - Drafting program file (Vellum, by Ashler) VLM - Vibrant Loadable Module driver VM - Virtual memory file (Geoworks) VMC - Virtual memory configuration file (Adobe Acrobat Reader) VMD - On-line video file (Sierra) (Torin's Passage) VMDK - Virtual Machine DisK image (VMWare) VMF - Audio file (FaxWorks) VMF - Font characteristics file (Ventura Publishing) VML - Vector markup language (used by Microsoft Office 2000) VMS - Text file with vms specific information VO - Include file with object definiton (Vivid 2.0) VOB - Video OBject - videosoubor ve formátu MPEG-2 na disku DVD VOC - Audio file (Creative Labs Sound Blaster, Quartet) VOF - Object folder (VZ Programmer) VOX - Audio file (Talking Technology) VOX - Dialogic audio file coded using ADPCM VOX - Formatted voice file (Natural Microsystems) (NMS) VP - Publication (Ventura Publisher) VPG - Graphics image file (VPGraphics) VQA - Video files (Westwood Studios) VQE - VQ Locator file (Yamaha Sound) VQF - VQ file (Yamaha Sound) (possible emerging standard) VQL - VQ Locator file (Yamaha Sound) VRF - Configuration file (Oracle 7) VRM - Overlay file (Quattro Pro) VRML - A VRML file VRO - Videosoubor na disku DVD vytvořený DVD rekordérem VRP - Project file (VXRexx) VRS - Video device driver (WordPerfect for Windows) VS - Include file w/surface definition (Vivid 2.0) VSD - Dokument MS-Visio VSL - Download List file (GetRight) VSM - Simulation model (VisSim) VSN - A Windows 9x/NT ViruSafe version file; used to keep information about all the files in a directory; when a file is accessed, information is compared with the VSN information to ensure that they match VSP - Data print file (Schedule Soft) VSP - Image sprite (SPX) VSS - Smartshapes image file (Shapeware Visio) VSS - Stencil file (Shapeware Visio) VST - Bitmap graphic file (TrueVison Vista) VST - Targa bitmap (Generic) VSW - Workspace file (Shapeware Visio) VTP - Sbírka vtipů VUE - Animation file (3D Studio) VUE - View file (dBase IV, FoxPro) VW - Text file (Volkswriter) VWD - Součást aplikace WinBase602 (definice pohledu) VWP - Audio MetaSound plug-in (VoxWare Audio Compression Toolkit version 2.02.61) VWP - Audio plug-in (Voxware MetaVoice Toolkit) VWR - File viewer (PC Tools) VXD - Virtuální ovladač zařízení ============================================================================== W - Word chart file (APPLAUSE) W_X - Soubory CD ochrany CD-Cops W30 - Printer font (AST TurboLaser, Ventura Publisher) W31 - Startup file (Microsoft Windows 3.1) W3L - W3Launch file W44 - Temporary file for Sort or Index (dBase) WAB - Outlook file (Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express) WAD - Datový soubor her (Doom,... obsahuje textury,zvuky,hudbu) WAL - Bitmapová textura Quake 2 WAS - Script source code file (Procomm Plus Aspect) WAV - Nekomprimovaný zvukový soubor (4/8/16 bit, stereo/mono, až 48kHz) WAX - Compiled script file (Procomm Plus Aspect) WB1 - Notebook (QuattroPro for Windows) WB2 - Tabulka (formát Quattro Pro) WB3 - Text file (QuattroPro for Windows) WBC - Image file (Webshots) WBF - Batch file (Microsoft Windows 9.x) WBK - Backup file (Microsoft Word for Windows) WBL - Upload file (Argo Webload II) WBP - Součást aplikace WinBase602 (obrázek) WBR - WordBar File (Crick Software) WBT - Povelový soubor pro program Norton Desktop, nebo WinBatch WBT - Wordbar template (Crick Software) WCD - Macro token list file (WordPerfect for Windows) WCD - Soubor s grafem aplikace WinGraf WCM - Data transmission file (Microsoft Works) WCM - Macro (WordPerfect fdor Windows) WCP - Product information description file (WordPerfect for Windows) WCT - Šablona pro aplikaci WinGraf WD2 - Database file (Info Select) by Micro Logic WDB - Database file (Microsoft Works) WDF - WebArt data file (database file that can be converted for use in many programs) WDG - Warftpd remote daemon file WEB - Web document (Corel Zara) WFB - Bank file (Maui/Rio/Monterey) (Turtle Beack WaveFront) WFD - Audio waveform (WaveForm Manager Pro) WFD - Drum set (Maui/Rio/Monterey)(Turtle Beach WaveFront) WFL - Flowchart file (Winflow) WFM - Windows form (Virtual dBase) WFN - Symbol (Corel Draw) WFP - Program file (Turtle Beach WaveFront)(Maui/Rio/Monterey) WFT - Data file (NICOLET (Old Format), see NRF) WFX - Data file (WinFax) WG1 - Worksheet (Lotus 1-2-3/G) WG2 - Worksheet (Lotus 1-2-3 for O/S2) WGP - Data file (Wild Board Games) WI - Bitmapový obrázek Corel Photo-Paint (Wavelet-komprimovaný) WID - Width table (Ventura Publisher) WIF - Wavelet Image File (see WI) WIL - WinImage File WIM - Wireless Identity Module (Used by wireless application protocols) WIM - Windows Imaging File Format WIN - Window file (dBase, FoxPro) WIN - Window preference file (Pro/Engineer) WIS - Script file (Reynolds&Reynolds, stores database query results) WIZ - Page wizard (Microsoft Publisher) WIZ - Průvodce MS-Word WHT - MS Netmeeting Spreadsheet (Lotus 1-2-3 v. 1 and 2) WK1 - Tabulka (formát Lotus 1-2-3 1.x) WK2 - Tabulka (formát Lotus 1-2-3 2.x) WK3 - Tabulka (formát Lotus 1-2-3 3.x) WK4 - Tabulka (formát Lotus 1-2-3 4.x) WKB - Document file (WordPerfect for Windows) WKE - Tabulka (formát Lotus 1-2-3 Educational version) WKQ - Tabulka (formát Quattro) WKS - Dokument Microsoft Works WKS - Tabulka (Lotus 1-2-3, Symphony 1.0) WKS - Workspace file (Xlisp) WLD - REND386/AVRIL file WLF - Upload file (Argo Upload I) WLK - Graphics file (Virtus Walkthrough) WLL - Add-In file (Microsoft) WLS - 602Tab Sešit 602Tab WM - Windows MediA - komprimovaný zvukový soubor s kvalitnější kompresí než MP3 WMA - Windows Media Audio - komprimovaný zvukový soubor s kvalitnější kompresí než MP3 WMC - Backup files for startup (MathCAD for Windows) WMC - Macro file (WordPerfect for Windows) WMC - Text file (WordMARC) WMF - Windows MetaFile - vektorový obrázek, hudba, animace WMV - Windows Media Video - komprimované video WN - Text file (NeXT WriteNow) WNF - Outline font description file (CorelDRAW) WOA - Swap file (Microsoft Windows 3.x) WOC - Organization chart (Microsoft Windows OrgChart) WOW - Music module (MOD) (Grave Composer) WP - Document file (WordPerfect for Windows) WPA - Word processor document (ACT!) WP4 - Document (WordPerfect for Windows 4.0) WP5 - Document (WordPerfect for Windows 5.0) WP6 - Document (WordPerfect for Windows 6.0) WPD - Demo file (WordPerfect for Windows) (ALL) WPD - Textový soubor editoru WinText, WordPerfect WPF - Document (Enable) WPF - Fax document (WorldPort) WPF - Form file (WordPerfect for Windows) WPG - Grafický soubor pro program WordPerfect WPK - Klávesové makro pro program MS Word, WordPerfect WPL - Playlist Windows Media Playeru WPM - Makro pro textový editor MS Word, WinText, WordPerfect WPS - Text document (Microsoft Works) WPT - OziExplorer GPS waypoint list WPT - Šablona textového procesoru WinText WPW - PerfectWorks document (Novell) WP~ - 602Text - záloha Textový dokumentWQ! Compressed spreadsheet (QuattroPro) WQ? - Tabulka Quattro Pro WR1 - Symphony file (Lotus) WRD - Template (Charisma) WRG - ReGet document WRI - Textový dokument programu Write/WordPad WRK - Project file (CakeWalk Music Audio) WRK - Tabulka (formát Lotus Symphony) WRL - Soubor modelu virtuální reality VRLM VRML - Virtuální scény WRP Compressed Amiga archive (WARP) WRP - 3D modeling file (Raindrop Geomagic) (Scandata) WRS - Resource file (Microsoft Word for Windows) WRZ - Another VRML fileject WS - Text file (WordStar) WS1 - Document (WordStar for Windows version 1) WS2 - Document (WordStar for Windows version 2) WS3 - Document (WordStar for Windows version 3) WS4 - Document (WordStar for Windows version 4) WS5 - Document (WordStar for Windows version 5) WS6 - Document (WordStar for Windows version 6) WS7 - Document (WordStar for Windows version 7) WSD - Document (WordStar for Windows 2000) WSD - Tabulka (formát WinTab) WSP - WorkSpace file (Fortran PowerStation) WST - Document (WordStar for Windows) WST - Šablona tabulkového procesoru WinTab WSZ - Skin (WinAmp) WTA - Used by wireless telephony applications WVL - Wavelet Compressed Bitmap WVW - Interleaf WorldView format (a PDF format) WWB - Button bar for document window (WordPerfect for Windows) WWK - Keyboard layout file (WordPerfect for Windows) WWL - Add-in file (Microsoft Word) WXD - Music resource file (Relic Entertainment)(Home World) WXP - Document file (EXP for Microsoft Windows) ============================================================================== X - AVS image (SDSC Image Tool) X - Source code file (Lex) X0? - Secondary index file (Paradox) X16 - Macromedia Extra (program extension), 16 bit X32 - Macromedia Extra (program extension), 32 bit XAR - Corel Xara drawing XBM - X11 BitMap - bitmapový obrázek černobílý XDL - XML Schema file XFN - Printer font file (Ventura Publisher) XFN - Printer font file (Xerox) XFT - Printer font file (24 Pin, ChiWriter) XFX - Fax Document (Various) XHTML - eXtensible hypertext markup language XI - eXtended Instrument - hudební nástroj programu Fast Tracker XIF - Komprimovaný bitmapový obrázek (Xerox, Pagis, ScanSoft) jako TIFF XIF - Wang imaging file (Included with Windows 95) XLA - Archive (Xlib) XLA - Doplněk MS-Excel XLB - Sešit tabulkového procesoru MS-Excel XLB - Toolbar file (Microsoft Excel) XLC - Graf MS-Excel XLD - Dialogue file (Microsoft Excel) XLK - Záložní soubor MS-Excel XLL - Add-in file (Microsoft Excel) XLL - Dynamická knihovna MS-Excel XLM - Makro MS-Excel XLS - Sešit tabulkového procesoru MS-Excel XLT - Šablona dokumentů MS-Excel XLT - Translation table (Lotus 1-2-3, Symphony, Procomm Plus, Dos Navigator) XLV - Modul VBA pro MS-Excel XLW - Workbook (Microsoft Excel) XM - Zvukový modul až 32 kanálu, až 128 nástrojů, až 256 patternů XMI - eXtended MIDI hudební soubor (komprimovaný) XML - eXtensible Markup Language soubor XMS - Madokan's Adlib Tune - MIDI XNF - Network file (Standard) XNK - Zástupce aplikace MS-Exchange XON - Datafile (Axon) XP - eXtended Pattern, pattern programu Fast Tracker XPM - X PixMap - bitmapový obrázek XQT - Executable file (Waffle) XQT - Macro file (SuperCalc) XR1 - Data file (Epic Megagames Xargon) XRF - Cross-reference file (Generic) XSA - XelaSoft diskette image formát XT - eXtended Track, stopa programu Fast Tracker XTB - External translation table (LocoScript) XTP - Překryvný modul pro program XTree XWD - X Window Dump (SDSC Image Tool) - bitmapový obrázek XWF - Works file (Yamaha XG) (MIDI sequencing) XWK - Keyboard mapping file (Crosstalk) XWP - Session file (Crosstalk) XWP - Text file (Xerox Writer) XX - Archiv XXENCODE (ASCII) XXE - Archiv XXENCODE (ASCII) XXL - Soubory nadměrné velikosti ;-) XY - Text file (XYWrite) XY3 - Document file (XYWrite III) XY4 - Document file (XYWrite IV) XYP - Document file (XYWrite III Plus) XYW - Document file (XYWrite for Windows 4.x) ============================================================================== Y - Grammar file (Yaac) Y - Compressed Amiga archive (YABBA) YAL - Clipart library (Arts & Letters) YBK - Yearbook file (Microsoft Encarta) YCC - Kodak YCC - bitmapový obrázek nekomprimovaný YUV - Graphics file (YUV) YZ - Compressed file archive (YAC) Y0? - Secondary index file (Paradox) ============================================================================== Z - Compressed file/archive "UNIX COMPRESS" (LZW84), obsolete Z3 - Game module (Infocom) ZAP - Archiv FileWrangler ZAP - Software installation settings file (Microsoft Windows) ZDG - Compressed text document (Zview) ZER - Data file (Zerberus) ZGM - Graphics file (ZenoGraphics) ZI7 - 7-ZIP archive (very good compression, optional Rijndael encryption) ZIP - ZIP archive (usually compressed, Deflate (quasi standard) or other algos) ZOM - Compressed Amiga archive (ZOOM) ZOO - Archiv ZOO ZVD - Voice file (Zyxel Z-Fax) ============================================================================== Nové přípony jsou označeny hvězdičkou ("*"). Autor uvítá jakékoliv rozšíření, připomínky, kritiku, atd... Díky všem, kteří už nějak přispěli do tohoto seznamu přípon. (SEnklar, MirekJ, Igor Miroszka, DOS386) ==============================================================================